14. Post-it Notes and Hidden Hearts (Changlix)

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The halls of JYP High were cruel, especially to Changbin. His unique features and unconventional charm made him an easy target for the bullies who thrived on the insecurities of others. Changbin's best friend, Minho, on the other hand, was the epitome of conventionally attractive, with sharp features and a charismatic smile that drew people in.

Despite their differences in appearance, Minho always saw past the superficial judgments society placed on Changbin. "You're handsome, Changbin," Minho would insist, but Changbin found it hard to believe amidst the harsh whispers of his tormentors.

Minho's younger brother, Felix, had always observed the dynamics between Changbin and his brother. Felix, while equally striking in looks, harbored a secret crush on Changbin. He couldn't bear to see the toll the bullying took on Changbin's self-esteem, and he decided to do something about it.

One day, after Changbin had endured another round of cruel comments, he opened his locker to find a small, brightly colored post-it note. The simple message read, "You're handsome just the way you are." Confusion and a flicker of joy crossed Changbin's face. Who could have written this?

Felix watched from a distance, hidden behind a row of lockers, his heart pounding with anticipation. Seeing the subtle smile that graced Changbin's lips was enough to fill Felix with a sense of satisfaction. He continued to send these notes whenever he sensed Changbin needed a boost. "Your smile lights up the whole hallway. You're truly handsome, Changbin."

With each note, Changbin's confidence seemed to grow. The hallway whispers and the judgmental stares lost their power, overshadowed by the affirmations that Felix discreetly bestowed upon him. The once somber expression on Changbin's face transformed into one of quiet assurance.

One day, as Changbin opened his locker, he found another note from Felix. This time, it read, "Your uniqueness is your strength. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle." 

Years later, as life moved forward, the three friends found themselves hanging out in Minho's cozy house. The memories of high school were now distant echoes, but the impact they had left on Changbin lingered.

Seated in the living room, surrounded by the warmth of familiarity, Felix couldn't contain the secret any longer. The post-it notes had done their job, and now it was time for the truth to come to light.

"Hey, Changbin," Felix began, his voice laced with nervousness.

Changbin turned to him, a curious expression on his face. "What's up, Felix?"

Felix took a deep breath, gathering the courage to unveil the secret he had kept hidden for years. "It was me. I wrote those notes to you in high school."

Changbin's eyes widened in surprise, and Minho shot a quizzical look at his younger brother. Changbin, processing the revelation, couldn't believe that the person behind those encouraging words was right in front of him.

"You... it was you?" Changbin stammered, his eyes reflecting a mix of disbelief and gratitude.

Felix nodded, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I just wanted you to see yourself the way I saw you."

Minho, catching onto the unfolding revelation, watched the exchange with a knowing smile. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and he felt a sense of pride for his brother, who had silently played the role of a secret admirer.

Changbin, overcome with emotions, found it hard to articulate his feelings. "Felix, thank you. Those notes... they meant more to me than you can imagine."

Felix, relieved to finally share his secret, smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Changbin. You've always been handsome, inside and out."

As the trio continued to share stories and laughter, the weight of unspoken truths lifted. The bond between Minho, Changbin, and Felix had evolved beyond the struggles of high school, becoming a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the unexpected ways love could manifest.

In the quiet moments that followed, Changbin couldn't help but look at Felix with newfound appreciation. What had once been a secret admirer's notes had transformed into a genuine connection, one that had weathered the storms of insecurity and emerged stronger on the other side.

As they moved forward, Felix, Minho, and Changbin carried with them the lessons of the past, cherishing the bonds that had shaped their journey. In the warmth of Minho's living room, surrounded by the echoes of laughter and shared memories, they found solace in the understanding that true beauty went beyond appearances, and the most meaningful connections often began with a simple post-it note.

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