The Beginning - part 1

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Why would you wanna be a soldier? Why wouldn't you wanna be a tavern keeper? It's safer? It's- SHIT! I almost trip over the cobble stone path of the city. The streets are empty, few people are up around this time. The sky is filled with an array of beautiful oranges, yellows, and reds. They blend together creating a gradient that looks almost like a fire in the sky. As I run I take in the song of the morning, it gets drowned out during the day. I can hear the birds singing their good morning song to the world, the leaves dancing in the wind, and water swaying back and forth across the sand. However, it is soon joined by noises of swords clashing, people shouting, and arrows hitting targets as I reach my destination. I crouch behind a tree that nears my place of dreams, the training arena. This is where the soldiers train, whether they be placed outside the walls to protect from attacks, to escort important travelers, or placed next to the most important man. The king. They all start here. As I watch my eyes focus apon three boys training, and not for the reasons you assume. As I watch them train I hear them talking about something, me.
"Is that girl aware we can see her still? And why is she just watching us train?" A boy with black, wispy, kinda long hair is looking in my direction, I can't make out any other distinctions.
"Maybe she's in love with one of us?" This boy has straight, short, brown hair. He starts to smile at his own joke as the first boy gives him an annoyed side glance.
"She's clearly more interested in the weapons we are holding rather than the people holding them." The boy had curly dirty blond hair, medium length. He was training while the other two were talking but paused at the last boys comment. He's not wrong though, I've seen them time and time again training. I have no interest in them but, they're weapons, now that's a different story. I look at the two kids beside them dueling, it's a girl and a boy. The girl, who I have seen before, looks as if she's kicking the boys ass, but I haven't seen him before so I assume he's new. I hear the three boys begin to continue their conversation and I can't help but listen.
The blond boy speaks again.
"I've seen her before. Though she's never entered the training camp before. Not once. I wonder why that is. Girls are allowed to train?"
The black haired boy speaks up.
"Well in some family's it's frowned upon, seen as beneath them or something's..."
"That's normally the royal family's, she's definitely not a part of that." The brown head boy adds in. What an ass, if I could I would go down there and put a few words towards how he doesn't look like royalty, and a few other insults. "I've seen her at the Anderson tavern but she's always in and out. I think she's one of the tavern keepers daughters."
"Your dad still go in there often?-" the blond boy asked the black haired boy. They start having a conversation about something that no longer interests me. I start down the path away from the training grounds, I've missed the morning duels so there's no reason for me to stick around and watch. The sun is now in the sky and people are beginning to wander about the streets, indicating that the markets and shops should open soon. I head down the streets towards the produce area of the markets, I have quite a few errands to run before I can head home.

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