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Caster pov:

I was training lunar when I got a fuzzy feeling I never realized how cute he looked no matter falling in love was against the cort rules and Nebula would surely report this
Lunar asked me if I was ok I said yes I had to idmit I was getting scared of having to leave it wasn't fair me and pollex finnly find people that care about us and we have to leve it all behind I told lunar I needed to go i left once I was alone I couldn't hold it anymore and broke down crying I was feeling so many emotions at once anger sorrow love it hurt I hated this I eventually felt myself drift off to sleep
I opened my eyes I was with lunar he was talking a teasing me
L: what was with that look
What look
L: your doing it again my star
I turned bright red at the name
L: or we can pretend this never happened
Lunar please don't play with me like this
L: I just want you to hear me in a way I mean it
I lose control of my body as I pulled lunar face close to mine
L: c- caster?
I hastened a but but then he kissed me I kissed back feeling myself melt away his lips ware soft
I- i love you
He giggled whats so funny I asked
L: oh nothing i just wish you didn't have to go  go ware would i go
L: your waking up my little star
I slowly opened my eyes to find myself back in the Forrest I started sobbing
Im not supposed to dream ... its ganna hurt more I love him... but I keep quite
I started losing control of my powers when I herd lunar yelling my name

Lunars pov I herd screaming then crying I walk to the sound only to see caster losing control I screamed his name and ran to him picking him up in my arms caster look at me he slowly looked at me he had scratched his face causing it to bleed
I gently kissed his forehead he blushed I fond it adorable I grabbed some badges and bandage up his face and held him everything ok just take deep breaths he did and yawned
I rocked him as he slowly fell asleep goodnight my little star

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