I Care

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Mmmm..... what are we doing? I ask as we sit in the tub with Fantasia behind me tracing my collar bone causing me to jump. I raise up off of her chest and find my way back down. My eyes roll as I try to suppress my sexual desires. 

I'm loving on you. She places a kiss on my jaw. 

The warmth of her kiss lingers and I grab a hold of her hand. Our hands intertwine instinctually and I notice how our hands fit into each other. I rub my thumb on the back of her hand and bring it to my lips, placing a gentle kiss. 

I care about you Tasia. Words I spoke without thought, my heart in it's purest form. 

I know T, you show me. She pulls me closer to her and I can feel her throbbing on my back. I gently caress her leg, up and down. Sitting up, turning my face towards her looking at her eyes, then her lips. I move towards her face and kiss them. She returns the kiss causing her to sit up. We share a passionate kiss. Gripping the back of my head, she sucks on my bottom lip and inserts her tongue. My mouth inviting it to linger as I let out a moan from the touch on my back. 

I pull away. Knowing my sexual desires were at its peak. I look into her beautiful chocolate eyes noticing how the reflection of the water makes them sparkle. I lean back into her chest and lay there as my thoughts start to produce words. 

Tasia, baby. Thank you for the massage. I grab ahold of her hand and place the other on the thigh closest to me. I look at her skin, admiring her tattoos and tracing them with my fingers. I would do anything for you Taraji. I smile and continue tracing her skin. We sat there holding each other with my back on her chest, synchronizing our breathing as we rise and fall at the same time.  

Taraji picks herself up first and gets out the tub, I watch her as she walks over to the massage bed grabbing the towels. 

The moment we just created has seared a place in my memory already. Giving her a massage was me showing my gratitude for her presence. Her smooth olive brown skin up close sent pictures through my mind that I haven't thought of in years. My desire for women never shocked me. My marriage suppressed it. What can I say? I love people who love unconditionally. 

Taraji brings me the open towel and I stand up from the tub. She places it around me and helps me out. 

She walks us over to the chairs located in the corner of the room. Taraji lays her head on my shoulder and the vibrations from her words sends vibrations through my body. Are you ready to get out of here? 

Mhmm, I'm ready. 


We pull up into Taraji's driveway. She gets out of the car first and makes her way to mine  opening my door for me. I look at the hills across the street and see the sun going down. The colors are mesmerizing and the breeze feels just right. 

Taraji, would you mind if we sit out on the patio for a few? I ask as we approach the door. I don't mind at all. 

As we enter her home, I still sense a sexual tension still lingering between us. Our glances have changed, our consideration through our actions are different from this morning.

 I make my way to the patio and she makes her way to the kitchen. Opening the patio doors, I still see the sunset. I take a seat by the unlit fire pit and grab a blanket. 

I hear the patio door open, she walks out with a bottle that I recognize and two wine glasses. I get up to grab her a blanket and wait till she places the items in her hand on the table between us. She takes a seat and I place the blanket over her legs. Thank you baby. 

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