Chapter Twenty-Five: Take the Weight

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A/n I know this isn't in the album but it was written for the musical but cut and I like it so I'm doing it 

Also o my gosh it's chapter 25!! I didn't think I'd get this far. TYSM! 

Also umm so I don't feel like putting "[ANNABETHS]" everytime since it's a solo so just know it's always her

Also (final also, I promise) I forgot to mention this earlier but I recommend listening to it as you read 😅


"What's the next one?" Annabeth asked.

Will read the name. "Take the Weight,"

"Oh, this one was a draft for My Grand Plan, but we needed more backstory so we made it a bonus track. And it foreshadows the quest to find Artemis, like a lot." Percy explained.

The song played and Annabeth, again, subconsciously, started to sway and hum along. Percy put his hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him, realizing what she's been doing.

"You know this one?" He asked, smiling. She nodded. "Restart it!" The music restarted and Percy and Thalia forced Annabeth up. She sung:

I think I know how Atlas felt

"Ya think?" Percy said, showing his gray streak.

When he got the cards he was dealt

It seems a pretty lousy hand, and

Life is full of rotten deals

You got no clue just how it feels

When everyone expects so much you can barely stand

And you wish that you were stronger

Cuz you know you're gonna fall

And you can't hold on much longer

Little did they know...

You're gonna lose it all

Take the weight from my shoulders

Take the weight from my mind

From my mind

She turned to Percy and smiled.

It's strange, you're making me uneasy

We're both a little broken, so maybe you could see me

Its weird, but a good weird

Percy smiled back at his girlfriend and squeezed her hand for a second.

I know (x5)

I just can't let go

It's like how much can you take

Until you break

Take the weight from my shoulders

Take the weight from my mind

That say wait till you're older

But there's so many things I have yet to find

Cant take the weight (x4)

(Numerous woah ohs)

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