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"What the hell?" Hondo said loudly once they landed on their feet in a theater. "Guys, let look for a way out. There has to be one. Look for any air flow coming from the walls or secret doors." Hondo announced after getting his bearings.

"Welcome, SWAT. I have brought you here for one reason and one reason alone. To react to a future family member. Deacon. You guys are to watch your future Grandson. To see what he's accomplished by the age of 32 years old. And I must say, he's accomplished a lot but also has been through some trauma as well. Now, please take a seat and we will begin."

Everyone looked at eachother in apprehension. They all hesitantly sat down in the comfortable theater seats as the screen in front of them came to life.


-People Reacting-

• Deacon
• Hondo
• Chris
• Luca
• Street
• Tan

The Grandson - Deacon (S.W.A.T) • ReactingWhere stories live. Discover now