2.Learn From Me!😑

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Author's pov:

"you bish,come here!"Jungkook shouted

Taehyung stopped walking towards the bedroom and turned around with a pout.

"dont call me bish all the time!
My name is Kim Taehyung,
You can call me Taehyung,taetae,
tae,boo boo,cutie,The Queen,etc"
Taehyung said all of these names while counting on his fingers with a pout on his heart shaped lips

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in disbelief and shook his head rolling his eyes

"ok whatever Kim Taehyung, I won't call you boo boo,baa baa and all,just taehyung that's it,

Sit down here, I wanna talk with you"Jungkook said pointing at the couch

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook pouting and sat on the couch and crossed his legs much to Jungkook's annoyance

Jungkook pinched his nose bridge and sat on the opposite couch

"look,i don't know what I did in my past life to get married to you

But by fate we are married now,
even though I don't have a drop interest in you,I need to set some rules here,so I can live here at peace with you as a roommate alone"Jungkook said

Taehyung looked at Jungkook boredly

"Look Mr.Jeon Jungkook,i am too not interested to live with you even as a roommate,but my fate that i have to share a room now with some arrogant b'stard"Taehyung said rolling his eyes and began to shake his leg as it is his habit

"the fck you called me bish!
You are the one arrogant here bish!
Don't even have any fcking manners"Jungkook shouted

"hmmmp!"Taehyung pouted angrily

"I have enough manners!
I am working as an Executive manager in a very big Tech company,
If I don't have enough manners then who will employ me?pfft"
Taehyung rolled his eyes and flipped his hair sassily

"Ofcourse some idiot will do that,
If I was in your employer's place,
I would have kicked you out the second you entered my cabin"
Jungkook taunted back.

"you!my employer!?"
Taehyung pointed at Jungkook and began to laugh throwing his head back and thrashing his legs cutely

"till today i didn't saw my main boss,but i certainly know he will not be a arrogant person like you"
Taehyung sarsced and made smooching sounds, teasing Jungkook

"aishhh"Jungkook huffed rolling his eyes.

"look i wanna set some rules and I want you to obey them also,

and If you don't,then i will call your mom now itself and will tell the atrocities you are doing here,like not even washing the plate you ate"Jungkook threatened taking his phone from his pocket and placed it on the table

Taehyung became silent,as his smile faded long ago and his lips formed to a cute pout

Taehyung gave a nod to Jungkook as yes and pulled his knees towards his chest.

Jungkook sighed and began

"Look,i don't have problems of doing my work and taking care of myself

But i can't take care of you nor I can do your work

I have a tight schedule packed from
monday to saturday,

In a week,only one day i will
be free

So be mature and take care of yourself

I will not tolerate any childish activities or you invadmy personal space"Jungkook said in a stern tone

Taehyung is just staring at him with a big pout on his heart shaped lips

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