dumb little twink gets killed

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*the story starts mid conversation*

"Y'know I've been seeing someone around my house lately." I have been, I am Paul McCartney, of course, so it's pretty obvious girls crowd outside my house, but this one's different.

"Aren't girls always outside of your house?" George asks, probably thinking I'm being an idiot right now.

"Well yeah, but this one's different. He's a man, and I saw him out there at 4 in the the fucking morning." I try not to look worried, "He looks just like me too!" I take a drag from my cigarette and look down.

"You sure that he's actually there, Paul? You not just on *something*?" John teases.

"You know I haven't tried that yet, and I won't. I'm fine with what I have. Anyway I'm being completely serious! At this point I'm just hoping he doesn't notice that I see him."

"Yeah, right... your fucking doppelganger's gonna kill you!" John keeps teasing, frowning and widening his eyes like he's scared.

"I'm being serious, I'm used to those girls, but this guy's... y'know scary!"

Ringo gives me a look like I'm joking. I'll just give it up.

Sitting alone in my bedroom, I start to think about that man again. Maybe it is nothing. Birds hang around my house all the time.

He isn't even trying to catch my attention isn't he? Just standing there staring intently. He looks just like me.

I can't help but think about how his face is so similar to mine. It's obviously not a fucking doppelganger.

What if he get's into my house or something? I lock my windows, I'm sure of it. I remember locking the front door when I walked in. I don't know about the back door. I should probably keep that locked anyway, I don't want any teenage girls in my house watching me sleep. Let alone that man.

I walk downstairs, admittedly I feel fear that it isn't locked. I walk to see my backdoor locked as it should be. Thank the lord above! I don't need to worry about that right now.

I should probably brush my teeth soon, though I've started to hate that bathroom. I first saw him through that window. I'm honestly dreading the thought of seeing him again.

I start to feel paranoid around the house. It's dumb, but I'm scared that he could get in, and try something.

I walk into the bathroom, and I lock the door behind me. I try my hardest to ignore that stupid window, and I grab my toothbrush.

I put toothpaste on it, I run the water over it, and I start brushing...

The bathroom window opens.

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