6 - Old Habits

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A/N: Hey guys, I took a mini break just to focus on life stuff. However, I'm back on track, and I'm ready to write again. I think you guys will really like this one, and this chapter will give you more depth into Billie's mindset and overall state of mind.


Lilith's POV:

I watch Billie as she parades herself on stage in front of thousands of fans, goofing off and cackling. It wasn't unusual, considering she just finished a song and decided to talk to the fans a bit. However, she seemed as if she was having too much fun. 

Before she walked onto the stage at the start of the show, she reeked of weed. I didn't think it would be an issue, but seeing her act the way she is now, I'm starting to rethink my judgment. Either way, it wasn't a bad situation because, along with her cackling, the audience cheered and laughed with her. I leaned against the wall, holding my clipboard against my chest as I watched her.

"Ooooh, what do we have here?" Billie says as she grabs a bra thrown by a fan on the floor. "Girrrrl," she responds as she cackles more. "Is this you?" Billie asks a fan as she points at them, still holding the bra in her hand.

I look towards the audience through a sliver of the curtains and see a fan jumping up and down, screaming yes as they smile brightly.

"Sheeesh," Billie reacts as she smiles and looks away for a second before looking back at the fan and smirking. "You're fine as fuck, mama," Billie says to the fan. The crowd goes wild. I see Billie turn towards the backstage as she starts walking to me. I lean off the wall and take a few steps to her as tosses the bra at me, catching it. I look at it and roll my eyes before setting it on a table. I turn my attention back to Billie as I see her return on stage.

"Lemme get a better look at ya," Billie says as I see her hop over the stage and onto the main floor, standing behind the barricade. The fans squeal and cheer for her. "Where are you at, mama? Come up here," Billie requests as I see a fan making her way up to the barricades.

"What's your name, baby?" Billie asks the fan, and I see the fan blush immensely while sobbing simultaneously.

"Jessie," She replies quickly.

"Oh, Mama, come here," Billie says as she starts hugging Jessie, and other fans around her also gather up for a hug. Billie struggles to pull away, and after she does, she places her hand on the side of Jessie's face before quickly kissing her, which makes the crowd go ballistic.

I look at Finneas and see he's shaking his head while looking down. I look back to Billie as she quickly gets back upstage. I inhale deeply before sighing.

Now, I'm really starting to regret my judgment. "Okay, Bil, get on with it," I mumble.

"Alright, Jessie, my love, this is for you." As Billie says that, I cue lights and sound as we smoothly transition to one of Billie's new songs, Oxytocin. The crowd responds positively. As Billie starts performing, her movement becomes seductive and luring. The crowd is filled with screams and cheering.

As I watch, Justin walks up next to me; I take my headset off and look at him.

"Billie is acting strangely," Justin says as he watches Billie. I nod to his statement.

"I agree," Justin turns to me with his hands in his pockets. "You can take watch on her tonight. I'll have Finneas transition with you in the morning," Justin tells me. I turn to look at him.

"How about you have Finneas watch her, and I'll switch with him in the morning? I really just want to get some rest," I offer him.

"I understand; however, Finneas has addressed his concerns before the show, so this decision is non-negotiable. If she gives you any issues, just call me, and I'll sort it out," Justin explains. I sigh before nodding.

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