SMG3 True Feelings

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A fic inspired by the newest episode see it first before reading!

SMG3 chuckles to himself dealing with Depresso was nothing, who knew this man was so weak to rats. As he walks outside his old friend Eggman follows, he is sure to be bowing down to the proof that Three hasn't lost his touch when it comes to evil. Eggman smiles, placing a hand on his shoulder "Congrats, SMG3! There's only one final test before you can be called a true villain again." Three smirks, this will be easy who said you couldn't be evil and still have your hero friends by your side.

"You must kill your arch nemesis!" He shows his phone revealing footage of his Eggdog cam. How did eggman know about the camera in Four's room? How long has he been watching the man, he made a mistake putting that camera in his room. He only did it to make sure that nothing would happen to four, now look at what he did. He felt a chill go down his back as it now hit him, Eggman wants him to kill his ex rival. The meme guardian in charge of living memes, his friend. He looks down in shock as Eggman pats his back laughing "Can't wait to see it friend!"

Three was at his new home, sitting on his bomb chair staring at the gun in his hand. He can feel himself shaking at the thought of aiming it at SMG4, so many years of trying to kill the man and he did it all without any emotion besides anger. Things have changed so much, he remembers when he was about to die when he dropped the character he played as for so many years to finally tell SMG4 that they were friends. The day they did the heist to get his notebook back, how relaxed the two were drinking coffee when he was hit with a drawing idea and doodled the two together with coffee. Then the memory of the day everything changed for him, when him and Four held hands learning about their power and about zero.

He points the gun at the picture of SMG4 shaking and fires, the moment he pulls the trigger he focuses on his old anger bringing his old character out. "Finally I have a reason to kill that bozo!" He focuses on the pain he felt on Christmas when SMG4 brought up old memories. He screams as he shoots down the photo of SMG4 letting out all the anger on it, he can do this he can kill that idiot. Eggdog jumps surprised at what his father did during his private bath time, barking at his meme parent annoyed as he watches the man open a chest. "Ooooo i wonder how i should kill him! Dismemberment?" he then takes out gamer bath water out of the chest "Maybe waterboarding?"

Seeing his father bringing out his old persona makes him start barking furiously at him, SMG3 freezes hearing his son's words before glaring at him "What do you mean? I don't care about SMG4, he sucks!" his mind yelled at him calling him a liar as he crossed his arms "I've had no character development with him." He can't let it fall if he loses character then those feelings come back, he won't be able to impress his old friends. Eggdog had it with his father as he yelled back at him reminding him of all the nights he would gush about SMG4 to him, how he has become happier since the two became friends. It was becoming overwhelming for him as he covered his ears "La la la i can't hear you!"

As he leaves his home he stares at the castle, he feels his hand shaking again "Damn it..Eggdog is right what am i doing, why am i trying to impress people from my past?" He remembers how insane SMG4 went trying to make the perfect video to please all his viewers. Three clenches his fist "Right...RIGHT! I can't impress everyone. The person I should be impressing is myself, and I find myself impressive enough!"

He needed a plan, so he walked up to the castle with gun in hand as Eggman walked up next to him "Are you ready?" Three smirks "Oh yeah, this is gonna be easy!" He was always a fast thinker he knew the moment he stepped into that castle Eggman was done for. SMG4 was humming happily as he finally learned how to hand craft memes thanks to the help of Three. SMG3 opens the door to the kitchen looking around to figure out a way out of this mess, SMG4 turns excitedly "Oh hey Three!" he twitches at the nickname. He wasn't sure when the man shortened his name but everytime he hears it his heart flutters.

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