6. labyrinth

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"What now?" The three stood out in the street, the surrounding concrete hidden under the rapid new growth of greenery, wrapping it's way up gray, angular buildings. It was quiet, Kazumi's question echoing down the empty road. "Another game?"

"Naturally." Chishiya answered, hands in his pockets. "I've already decided which one to head for next."

He pointed to the skyline, where Kazumi could just make out the blimp displaying the King of Diamonds. "Will you come with me?"

She considered it, on one hand staying by Chishiya's side was comfortable, someone trustworthy to rely on. On the other one though, she was near certain she'd be useless in a diamond game of this difficulty, and didn't care for the idea of being carried across the game clear line. "No, I think I'll go after another hearts game. I've always been better at hearts than diamond or spade."

"That makes sense. You have one of those faces that people can't help but to like."

'I do?' She shook the thought from her head. "Lets rest tonight, get our bearings before jumping right back into the death games."

With a nod from the other two it was decided, as they headed toward the empty buildings Kazumi nudged Akane. "You've been so quiet, are you going to follow me tomorrow?"

The younger girl smiled. "Do you even have to ask?"


As dusk began to settle, turning the sky a warm orange, Kazumi crouched over a pile of sticks, busying herself in making a fire. The rifle she'd retrieved was slung over her shoulder, carefully pointed to the sky.

Chishiya hovered a small ways away, leaning against metal railing. They had holed up in the balcony of an apartment building, from which they could watch over the street below.

"You're quite confident with that." He commented as she stacked tinder.

It was just the two of them, Akane having stepped out in search of more wood than the measly scrap the other two had come up with.

"I used to do it often, when my father would take me out to hunt." Kazumi admitted. "Still, I haven't done it in a while." Not since her mother died, though she didn't say that part aloud.

"It's more complicated than I expected."

"Really? I kind of figured you knew just about everything."

He gave a short laugh. "There's some things I don't know. Guns, for example."

Kazumi hummed, carefully piling the tiny sticks they'd gathered. "I had never used a gun on another person before coming here. I nearly froze the first time I had to. I just kept worrying, why do I get to live but this person doesn't?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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