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The h/c female stood at the counter of the pharmacy store, she was waiting for everyone to come in to pick prescriptions from the counter or window. It was a boring job, taking phone calls, restocking medication, and dealing with customers. What can she say, it pay her bills nicely. But she wasn't alone, at least she had her boss, Mrs. Green, the old lady that hire her on the spot.

"Y/n, why don't you take your break," Mrs. Green said as she came back from the back area.

"I'm fine, I don't need a break," y/n smiled.

Mrs. Green signed, as she put her hands on her hips and glared at her, "now listen here young lady, I know you been on your feet since y oh got here this morning,"

"I know, but i don't need one," y/n laugh nervously.

"Go take your break now!" Mrs. Green yelled.

Y/n quickly left that area very quickly, she didn't want to deal with the wrath of Mrs. Green. Y/n sit in the back, heating up her food in the microwave. After a while, she sit back down with her hot food and started to eat. Y/n soon clean up her mess quickly, before going back to work. But that was in till she heard the sounds of her phone going off. She looked at her phone and that it was Wallace calling her. Strange that he was calling, but she still answered nevertheless.

"Hey Wallace, what's up," she asked.

"Nothing just some gossip that you want to hear about," he said.

Y/n smirked, "Ooo, do tell," she laughed, "who is it about,"

"It about our unlucky little boy in the world," he said soundly disappointed for who she know that he talk about Scott,

"What did Scott do now," she asked.

"So I heard, This from not other than Scott himself, but he told me that he dating a high school girl,"

"High schooler," y/n said.

"Yep, can you believe that," Wallace laughed.

Y/n sighed, "I know after what happen with him and that girl that won't be name right now, broken him, but I don't want to believe he sunk so low,"

"Well, you better believe," he replied.

"Alright I got to go," y/n rubbing her eyes with her free hand.

"Alrighty, bye," Wallace said.

"Bye," she said before hung up on Wallace.

Y/n sighed again, what was she going do with Scott now. Her thoughts came to an end when she heard her phone going off again. Y/n looked at her phone once more and saw that Stacy was calling her now.

"Y/n! You won't believe what I'm going to tell you," Stacy said.

"Scott new girlfriend is a high schooler," y/n cut Stacy off.

"Huh, who told you," Stacy whined.

"Wallace did, who you think it this,"

"Damn it, every time , he always gets to you first," she complained.

"You just got to be first, Stacy," y/n laughed.

"That In possible, when Wallace always has a phone with him,"

Y/n laughs, "true,"

"So, what are you going to now," Stacy asked.


Stacy sighed, "what are you going to do about Scott," She shouted.

"What do you mean what am I going to do with Scott," y/n asked.

"Really y/n? You're like the only one that Scott listen to," Stacy explains.

"I think you're estimating my ability again,"

"Whatever," after that Stacy hung up.

Y/n went back to work. She walk out of the break room over to the counter. Y/n eyes went wide, what she saws she couldn't believe. She saw Scott, but this time he was walking with his high schooler girlfriend. Y/n mouth dropped, she really thought this was a joke, but no not this time.

Scott saw y/n at the corner of his eye and he just knew that he was going to die instantly. The last thing he wanted was for his best friend since high school to see he with his "seventeen year old girlfriend". Scott slowly walk with knives to the counter, where y/n was at. He couldn't feel y/n eyes on him. Once he looked up at her, her eyes were close, but she had a smile still on her face. But he knew that she was piss.

"Hi Scott," y/n said.

"Oh, do you two know each other," knives asked.

"Uh, yes we do," Scott was too scary to speak.

"Yes, I'm his up stairs neighbor," y/n smiled.

"Oh really, wow," knives said.

"Uh yes, it really cool," Scott said looking at his shoes to scary to look up.

Y/n clap her hand together, "alrighty then, what can I help you with today, are you here to pick up or drop a note for a prescription from a doctor,"

"I'm here to pick up prescription it for my grandmother," knives explained.

"Okay, then," y/n looking over at the computer that was at her side, ""last name please,"


Y/n type on the keyboard, "okay looks like all three of your grandmother prescriptions are ready for you," y/n pull a prices of paper out "I just need to sign here, so we know that you came by and pick it up,"

"Okay," knives signed her name down quickly.

Y/n pick up the paper and put it to the side. Y/n look over her shoulder "miss green," she yelled for her boss.

Mrs. Green poked her head out, "I need mrs. Chau prescriptions," y/n said.

"All of them?" Mrs. Green yelled back.

"Yes" y/n said back.

Mrs. Green walk over to y/n with two bags, "two bottles are in this bag and the other is in this one," Mrs. Green hold up each bag and hand them to knives.

"Thank you, have a nice day," knives said before leaving with Scott's.

"You too!" Y/n said back, "oh wait!" The two turn back to y/n.

"Scott you're going to Julia's party right?" Y/n asked.

Scot gulp, "uh yeah," he said.

"Okay, I'll see you there than," y/ n wave bye to the two before they left the store.

Knives and Scott walk away from the store, but Scott still feels like y/n eyes are still on him.

"She was nice," knives said.

"Yeah, she is," Scott is still scary for his life now.

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