0.3 [irises]

9 3 15

"Lee Han Ji."

As Soobin's words echoed in the air, the room erupted in applause, and you found herself caught in a moment of surreal bliss. 'Did he really just call my name?!?' Your heart pounded against your ribs, and the realization dawned upon you – you were the chosen one, the head photographer of the prestigious magazine you had always dreamed of working for.

In a daze, you glanced around at her colleagues, their faces a blur of congratulations and genuine excitement. You saw Chae Young cheering you on, you saw Alaska screaming in joy, you saw Yoongi grant you a nod of congrats, you saw Soobin even through his cold stare, a small smile of gratitude. The weight of the announcement settled in, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. It wasn't just a job; it was the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of your passion. You finally made it.

Amidst the joyous chaos, your mind drifted into a daydream where the cityscape turned into a canvas, and your lens painted vibrant stories of life. The shutter clicks were a melody, and each photograph encapsulated a moment that would last forever. In this reverie, your dreams unfolded like the pages of a story you had been writing since the first time you held a camera.

Reality snapped back, and she realized the applause hadn't faded. Gathering your composure, You rose from her seat, determination shining in her eyes. She walked towards Soobin, whose gaze met hers with a mix of approval and confidence.

"Thank you, Soobin," You said, extending your hand for a shake. "I'm grateful for this opportunity."

Soobin's handshake was firm, and he offered a rare smile. "You've earned it, Han Ji. I believe in your talent, and I'm confident you'll bring a fresh perspective to our team."

Though appreciative, you were slightly appalled by the unusual kindness radiating from Soobin. It was as if a storm had passed, leaving behind a momentary calm. You nodded in gratitude before retreating to your seat, the reality of her new role settling in.

"I can't wait to work with you all on this hopefully wonderful journey. I know that now, nothing can stop me. Not even you Soobin." Everyone laughed at your sudden confidence boost, including Soobin itself. You felt like you were on top of the world, and nothing could bring you down. Right?

Somewhere in the streets of Seoul...

As Namjoon observed the surroundings of Seoul from the sleek black car navigating through the city, Namjoon stared out of the tinted windows. His thoughts lingered on the upcoming meeting, the magazine, and the unknown photographer he was yet to encounter. 'Why wouldn't Manager Bleu tell me who the photographer is? Usually, he'd have an answer for me in a couple of days, but even he didn't have a concrete answer for me.." he thought.

He always enjoyed every photographer he's worked with; it's what made him enjoy photoshoots. Getting to know the photographer on a personal level through the form of art, was something that made his job much more enjoyable.

Engaging in conversation with his personal driver, He asked, "How much longer until we reach the magazine headquarters?"

The driver checked the GPS screen, "About ten minutes, sir."

As the car cruised through the city's streets, Namjoon's phone buzzed, signaling an incoming call from Yoongi. 'Yoongi? Isn't he at the meeting I'm going to?' he thought before answering. Yoongi's voice came through with a sense of urgency. It was uncommon for his voice to be this intense, but Yoongi spoke with a sense of normalcy.

"Namjoon, listen carefully. The head photographer for the shoot today is someone you've encountered before. Well I should say, we all know her well." Namjoon furrowed his brow, curiosity and concern intertwining. "Someone we all know? Yoongi, that doesn't help me. There's a bunch of people I know of, the gang, and the travel gang know of!" [Hehe spoiler alert for plot later in the book-]

Yoongi hesitated before responding, "Well, this person may be someone that specifically you, know more about. All I'm saying is that, your history with her is... complicated."Namjoon's mind paused. 'History...? Complicated...? No.... it can't be...'

His mind wanted to shut off. He knew who Yoongi was talking about. The girl that crushed his soul that fateful day. The day that he thought he lost all of his friends. The day he thought that the girl he would've spent the rest of his life with left him in front of the whole world. Hands shaking, Namjoon cleared his throat, shakily answering back,

"T-Thanks Yoongi. I'll be there shortly. See ya." Yoongi's voice grunted in assurance before hanging up. Namjoon stared out of the window, lost in thought. Memories of college days flooded back – late-night conversations, shared dreams, and the parting that led them on separate paths. He knew that he wanted to see her again. He just didn't think it'd be like this.

As the car approached HYBE Magazine, Namjoon couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The road ahead seemed uncertain, and the meeting he'd been anticipating for the past two months had now seemed like a burden he had to get rid of.


"I have to make things right. If the universe couldn't have given me a clearer sign to make things right...

"I have no choice but to take it."

As he walked through the double doors of the building, Namjoon was certain of one thing.

He had to win Han Ji back. No matter what the cost.

[~sol's message~]

hey honeybees!!! i hope you're all doing well today! a little good rant, this new year for me has been saur fricking productive!! i got back into working out, i started meditating, im cutting down on caffeine?!? [i know who am i for doing this-], i'm hanging out with more friends and i'm writing more often!!! who is this girl?? who is she???? 2023 me could never thought i'd be like this haha :)

back to the story!!! our girlie got the job ahhhh!!!! what's her reaction going to be when she finds out the model is her old ex?? also, namjoon seems to be a bit conflicted about her... what's he gonna do..? leave your predictions and thoughts and as always, i'll see y'all next time!! bai bai my honeybees!!

your sunshine boy is out!!!


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