Chapter 15

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February 27th 

The 2nd task

It was the morning of the 2nd task. Hermione, Ron, and Cho have all been MIA since yesterday. Apparently, McGonagall called them into her office. Why the three of them? I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom and began taking a very hot shower that steamed up the whole room. I brushed my teeth and walked back into my room with a robe wrapped around my body with my hair up in a towel. It was freezing out today. I pulled out some jeans and a dark purple sweater. I put them on and did a drying charm on my hair. It was too cold to let it air dry today. Especially since the 2nd task was early in the afternoon. I put on some thick socks and black boots. 

Before I left my room for the day I grabbed a scarf, hat, and gloves. I locked my door and threw my key into my bag. I went to the great hall to grab some food and meet up with Fred and George. 

"Morning." They both said to me as they saw me approach them. 

"You excited for today?" Fred asked me. "We're talking bets again." He said picking up boxes off the ground.

"Y'all are weird for betting."

"Not really they eat it up. We made tons last time!" George said shoving his face with food. 

I made myself a plate of food but had to eat quickly because the task was starting in 30 minutes and we still had to walk out to the black lake. 

The more we walked outside the more grateful I was that I dried my hair instead of leaving it wet. I carried a cup of hot chocolate in my hands as George and Fred yelled out asking people to place their bets against the champions.

We got into little boats and made our way over to the stands. 

"Welcome to the 2nd task! Last night something was stolen from each of our champions." Dumbledore announced. "A treasure of some sort. These four treasures, one for each champion now lie at the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough!"

Dumbledore went on explaining they had an hour and an hour only. 

Once the cannon shot off 3 of the champions dove into the water but Harry was still on the deck just standing there. That was until he was pushed in by Mad-Eye Moody. Harry came flying out of the water with gills and fins. The effect of gilly weed. I wonder how he acquired it on such short notice. 

While its only been about 30 minutes it feels like it has been 5 hours. I prayed that everyone but especially Cedric would make it out on time and in one piece. Humans and merpeople don't have good relationships with one another.  

"The champion Fleur Delacore has been forced to retire. She will take no further part in this task." I groaned knowing that the only girl in the champions would not be going further with the task. What about the thing that was so-called stolen? I thought to myself.

I felt the utmost relief when Cedric rose out of the water. But a little pang in my heart when Cho was the one who came up with him. And even though Harry was last they decided to let with go through with 2nd place due to saving Fleur's sister. Once the task was entirely finished I went to go find Cedric. 

"Charlotte!" I heard his voice come from behind me.

"Ced! Are you alright you look freezing!" I said grabbing his arms. 

"I'm okay! Are you?"

"Yea of course I am. Come on let's get you back to the castle." I said walking with my arms around him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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