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Sriya was busy choosing her outfits for her graduation 🎓 ceremony as it's just one day to go for her graduation .

She chose the outfits her friends suggested . It was night and she saw her phone ringing . She picked up her phone and saw her sister diya was making a video call she answered it .


" Hello 👋🏻 my sweetie ... I thought you just forgot me , How come my sister suddenly remembered me ? ". I questioned all those in one flow in sarcasm coz she didn't inform me before leaving .

She put a fake angry bird face and said ya ..ya.. I just remembered you , to tell you.... . She kept some silence for a bit and screamed in excitement "Day after tomorrow is my first match " .

" What !!! That's Awesome ! So, you're not a substitute right ? ".

Yess !! She exclaimed.

" Wait ...I will share the news with Nanna and Amma ( father and mother ) ". I said and went to downstairs .

I saw my mom talking to Sharmila aunty and my dad was seeing some files .

I went towards them in excitement and said " diya got selected and she is not a substitute anymore ". Both of them turned their attention towards me .

My mom and dad were so happily excited and they took the phone from my hand and congratulated her .

My sissy demanded that she got 3 tickets for her match and we must come to her match .

My dad said " ofcourse beta I will be so proud to see my daughter playing for national team ".

Diya said " promise me dad that you won't miss my match . My dad promised her ".

My mom asked " when is your match golu ? " .

" It's day after tomorrow mom and I'm not golu anymore mom ".

My mom paused and said " oh..! but that day your sister is gonna graduate ".

Then I suddenly realised oh ...shit ! I just forgot in my excitement. I can't attend my sissy's first match .I regretted . I saw my mom , dad and sissy the trio's smile just disappeared.

I didn't like that so , I said " Ufffff ...chill ...Mom & Dad diya needs you more than me , She will play well if you attend her match and cheer for her ... I can enjoy my graduation with my friends and I have lots of plan with them to do  so , I can't spend more time with you , I wish you both attend her match and cheer for her " .

My dad was about to say something but I interrupted him by saying " dad you promised diya now no more discussion , you both are attending her first match don't get disappointed ".

Finally I convinced them . I also felt disappointed for not attending her match and my family can't come to witness my graduation. I gulped my silent tears but I got myself back . I felt some headache so I just went back to my bed and slept.


It was a long day in my office and I am so frustrated. I had a plan of building a mall in Hyderabad. I want to explore new places and build an empire of my buisness in every state of India. I know Hyderabad is one of the best places to live .

So I contacted the best construction company in Hyderabad .
" Pratap Reddy construction company ".

I made a deal with them and signed the contract of paying ₹100cr for the construction of the mall and I paid 50% of our contact amount .

This mall holds my personal brands with all my premium collections and no other brands are included in it .In Mumbai this mall made a big hit now I like to introduce it in Hyderabad.

But then I got to know the construction company cheated on me . It made the exact plan for another mall and didn't start the construction yet . They eloped with the 50 % of the money I gave . Now this is so ridiculous.

I know I can't trust anyone that's why I already plotted some of my men in that company and enquired everything .

All the story was happened to defame the CEO of the company Pratap but the actual culprit is his brother in law Ajay . Well played Mr.Ajay . Now he is gonna pay for all his misdeeds. I asked my man to enquire about Ajay's weakness they told me his only weakness is his daughter. They sent me the picture of Ajay and her daughter.

Her name is Vidya . I traced the picture of the girl and said I'm sorry but you gonna pay for it . I really wanna teach a good lesson for him .

So I thought to abduct his daughter but I wanna give a first and last warning to that Ajay . So , I called him but he didn't lift my call .

" Soon you gonna regret by not answering my call Mr.Ajay " . I said to myself and saw the time it was midnight and my mom called me. I answered the call .

My mom enquired about me and my work I said " everything is going good mom don't worry , I'm totally alright and also had my dinner " .

Then my mom asked okay how is your girlfriend ? Oh..! Mom please stop teasing me you know I don't have any girlfriend.

Then I heard my father's voice saying to my mom don't force him to get married . I don't think Riya is good choice for him .
Then I understood my mom is on a mission to search a bride for me and I asked my mom now who is this Riya mom ? My new sister ? I questioned in sarcasm . My mom started scolding me and I actually love to hear taunts from her . I just chuckled and said mom don't worry I will soon bring a bride of my choice but please don't take stress for my marriage.

Did you find a girl ? My mom asked in suprise. I traced the picture of Vidya softly and said I guess yes mom .

My mom was happy to listen but also confused and she questioned me what do you mean by I guess ? I said I just liked a girl but didn't confessed yet . I heard my dad saying Just go and confess beta I bet the girl won't reject you . I felt my mom and dad were fighting to talk to me .

My mom said " jaldi usko patake Bahu ko Ghar Lana " ( Make her fall in love with you and bring my daughter in law ) . I will mom . I said and cut the call .



Ok guys so how did Ruhaan end up marrying Sriya ? Did he really liked Vidya ?

So , let's seek answers to this questions in next chapter. Until then bye 👋🏻
Love you 💕

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