Tide of Fate

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I don't know what came over me, but I didn't respond to any thoughts or doubts I may have had before. Hyusenug and I had gone to eat the day before and he told me he loved me. I felt as if my heart skipped a beat, but I also felt like a twinge of betrayal in my heart. He walked me back to the company building before he had to get ready for his schedules. I told him I couldn't reply to his feelings before I knew how I really felt and he seemed quite content with that; since I didn't deny him.  I woke up today with no difference of feelings, I knew I felt some love for him I couldn't fool myself of this, but I couldn't get rid of the burning sensation of guilt. I looked at the clock and sighed heavily as my head hit the pillow, it was barely four o'clock in the morning.


Hyuna sat up in bed and grabbed her phone as she glanced over at her roommate, Jihyun. Hyuna got up quietly,pulling her blanket with her as she exited the room quietly. As she plopped on the couch,looking at her phone she went through her contact list and stopped at Hyunseung's name. 

She nibbled her lip and smiled to herself,tapping his name. A blank text messaging screen appeared and she fiddled with the characters a bit before putting the phone down,sending nothing. Hyuna laid her head back on the couch and Junhyung popped into her head and she sat up quickly. Without a second thought she picked up her phone and called him.

He answered, full of sleep,"Yeah?" 

Hyuna hesitated for a moment,"Ah-Oppa, can we meet? I need to talk, but-"

He interrupted her as he whispered,"Yeah, just meet me at the corner of the green cafe'."

She nodded,"Thank you Oppa." She replied as they hung up. Hyuna grabbed a jacket from her room quietly and walked over to the door as she sat on the floor to tie her shoes. 

Hyuna zipped up her jacket as she entered the chilled morning, wearing thin pajama bottoms and a small sweater wasn't the ideal outfit, but neither was walking at four in the morning. 

It only took her five minutes to make it to the cafe' corner and once she arrived, she sat on the ground and looked around. She had no idea why she called him, but maybe talking to him would help. He had always been there for her and now she needed him again.

Lost in thought, she didn't hear him walk up behind her,so when he said hi she jumped a little. They laughed quietly, almost afraid like of being caught. Hyuna stood up and waved at him as he calmed himself from laughing.

"Thank you for coming, I should had realized it was probably rude to call so early." Hyuna mumbled as she nodded.

Junhyung laughed,nodding in agreement,"Normally it would had been, but we had only gotten back an hour ago, so you were in luck that I had barely gone to sleep. Just make sure it is a good reason for me losing sleep." He smiled and shoved his hands into his pockets.

Hyuna smiled and tilted her head to the side,"Lets walk,it'll keep our bodies warm."

They started walked opposite way of where both of them came from. They were quiet as they walked, she glanced at him and was surprised to see him looking at her.

She laughed and shook her head,"Do I have something on my face?"

He laughed embarrassed at being caught and shook his head,"Tell me why you called me."

Hyuna looked down and smiled to herself lightly,but shook her head,"You can't tell a soul." She looked at him and held out her pinkie.

He raised an eyebrow and nodded as her took her pinkie in his,"Alright,go."

Hyuna stopped on sat on a bench that they were about to pass, he sat beside her and glanced at her,"You are going to make me think something bad happened." He muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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