1 - beg beg beg, Latte. Its not going to work.

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"Espresso!" Latte cried, "Please come out. You haven't left your room for 3 days straight!" Latte banged on the door.

"I have work to do!" Espresso yelled, sighing of annoyance.

"You've said that more than 10 times already!" Latte banged the door harder. "Espresso I'm really worried, please!" Latte begged. But no matter how long Latte begged and how aggressive her bangs got, espresso strictly refused.

Latte was exhausted. All the begging and yelling was pointless. Tired, she decided to go for a walk to clear her head. Her continuous calls for espresso to step out got her really  light headed.


"Madeliene cookie, please report to the top floor. I repeat, Madeliene cookie, please report to the top floor. Thank you." The speaker called. Madeliene, who guarding the gates of the place, then RAN to the top floor. The top floor was where pure vanilla room was, so madeliene thought it was something urgent.

Within a few minutes, Madeliene had arrived at the top floor using the elevator. He was greeted by pure vanilla immidiately with a warm smile as Madeliene bowed down.

"I've arrived, pure vanilla. How may I, top tier paladin, serve you?" Madeliene said.

"No need for such sophistication, dear madeliene. I've only called you to say you've done well." Pure vanilla said. Madeliene smiled broadly. "I appreciate it, your honour." Pure vanilla placed his hand on madelienes shoulder, and madeliene felt something go down to his legs. He instantly felt healed. Cramps gone and scars faded.

"Go rest, madeliene. You've serviced me well today and you deserve rest. I'm giving you a week of rest." Pure vanilla said.
"A-are you sure, pure vanilla? What if something happens? What if-"

"Oh, madeliene. Stop your worries. I assure you nothing will happen. Leave and get your rest. Well done." Pure vanilla smiled. Madeliene nodded.


Latte's tears dropped uncontrollably on her lap. She was deeply worried about espresso and his future. If espresso continued his enviournment, it would eventually lead to a very unhealthy body. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw the divine madeliene cookie, offering her a handkerchief.

"Miss, are you alright?" The great paladin asked.

"Ye-yeah! I'm okay." Latte said, wiping her tears and forcing a smile. Madeliene sat down beside her on the bench, placing a hand on her back.
"You don't seem alright, ma'am. Talk to me." Said Madeliene. Latte let out a loud sigh, and explained everything.


Espresso placed a hand on his forehead, scrunching his eyes. He had a splitting headache. He groaned from pain. He flinched when he heard his phone vibrate. It was Latte cookie.

"Your begging is not going to work, Latte I have a pile of-"

"Hey, young cookie!" A different voice greeted espresso, and it certainly was not Latte. A manly voice instead.

"Excuse me, who is this?" Espresso said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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