Who is Guillermo..?

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" Hey guys!" Neptune's says excitedly. " What?" Uranus says, looking at Neptune. " Meet my new friend Guillermo!" neptune giggles. " Yeh, uh huh- Wait.. What the Fu-" Uranus turns around and sees the creepy face painted asteroid.

" Uhm.. Hi, Guillermo..?" Saturn says shakingly.

"Guillermo says Hi!" Neptune smiles. "Heheha. Yay..." Jupiter mumbles.

"He's not real. You knew that, right?" Jupiter turns to face  Neptune. "Real what?¿" Neptune said, forming into weird shapes. "You know what? Let's give this.. uhh.. Friend of yours a chance!" Saturn says to Jupiter. "Maybe won't be friends with an asteroid.. it could destroy me.." jupiter mumbles..


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