Birth of Third Lachzion Child

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"Come on!"

Gabel beckoned his steed as fast as he could towards home.

The distance from Calypse Castle to his village house was normally a fifteen minute ride, but he was determined to make it in ten.

While in the midst of training he received word that Elara had gone into labor.

She had complained about her lower back hurting that morning, but since the child wasn't due for another month yet, Elara felt confident that it was just a severe pinched nerve.

He raced through the busy market, shouting to the villagers to make way.

As soon as the house came into sight, he leaped off his steed and ran inside. Not even bothering to take his horse to the stable.

Emma, the lachzion's house maid, was sitting on the kitchen floor with Cassian and Nura.

The minute the door closed behind Gabel, the children's heads popped up.

"Papa! Papa! Come play with me!"
Cassian called running over and wrapping his arms around Gabel's legs.

Nura also stood and started to clap, "Papa..."

Gabel crouched down and hugged Cassian.

"Not now son. Papa has to go be with mother okay? You must play with your sister."

"But I want to play with you."

"I know son, we will play later, I promise."

Nura clumsily started to walk over, "Hi papa."

Gabel   picked her up.

"Hello my beautiful one."

He planted a kiss on her head then passed her back over to Emma.
"If things get too loud, take the children outside. I don't want them to hear anything...that would be upsetting to them."

Emma nodded, "Of course."

Gabel then patted the top of Cassian's head, "Alright be good. I love you bo.."

Suddenly a pained cry rang out from the bedchamber.

Gabel ran from the kitchen to their bedchamber.

Inside, Elara was standing, leaning herself against one of the wood bed posts at the end of the bed.

Both midwives Anna and Joan stood behind her.

"Why is she standing up?" Gabel asked while rushing over to her side.

"I'm here my love, let me lay you down."

"No!" Elara screamed out while tightening her grip onto the wood.

Anna comfortingly ran her hand down Elara's back.
"She said she is more comfortable like this. If she wants to she can deliver the baby this way."

Gabel furrowed his brows.

How could she be comfortable like this?

"Could we not just try to lay her down? This does not look comfortable."
He reached out and brushed a small piece of sweat drenched hair off her forehead.

Elara leaned her body against the bedpost further and screamed, "Don't touch me! Do not move me!"

"Okay my love, okay," he spoke while releasing a sigh.

During her labor with Nura she had wanted him by her side every second, but this time she was yelling at him to not to even touch her.

"I don't know what to do," he nervously spoke over to Anna.

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