Chapter 4 - Give Me Love

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A/N Sorry that I havent updated in forever ah don't kill me aha! This might be a filler so sorry in advance if its bad! I had already wrote it just a minute ago and it took me an HOUR but then i LOST IT ALL UGH .. Well here's chapter 4! :)


 It feels as if the hole in my chest has gotten deeper.

Like I've been buried into the grown and there is no way for me to surface.

I feel alone.

Though I'm not alone.. The boys still continue to come over daily to babysit me as much as I hate it.

 I had gotten a little better in the past month though, truly I have..

Yes it has been a month.

A month since I had made the stupidest mistake in my life.

A month since I dissapointed everyone around me.

A month since I lost my everything, my heart and soul, my reason for continuing living.

I know the boys can tell I've gotten a little better. Beyond better then how it was in the very beginning for me.

 Yes, the first week was tragic for all of us.

It was like I was completely broken. I couldn't even move really. I just wanted to stay in bed all day and drown myself in my worries. I rarely even talked to anyone. Except for the daily question that I would ask that happened to be

 "Has Louis called you?"

of course the answer was always no. He never called. He never made acknowledge of his coming back and it was killing me inside out.

 I just want him back.

It was two weeks after he left when I had finally stopped being as bad as I was.

I had been sitting in my kitchen staring blankly at the turned off TV. Liam placed a plate full of food in front of me like he always did and I kindly explained that I wasn't hungry.

I could tell he didn't fall for the lie like I had hoped he had. I hadn't ate in forever, and It was beginning to worry everyone. I just had no desire to eat.

 Liam had anger glint in his eyse and he slammed his fist on the table.

'Why are you doing this to us Harry?' He exclaimed. 

I looked up at him with wide eyes and shook my head. 'Doing what..' I had asked.

He rolled his eyes and laughing without humor.

'You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about Harry. Why are you making us all feel like shit?! I know you're upset about what happened but you need to stop this... this depression! We are trying to HELP you. Why won't you let us Harry?! I hate seeing you like this. We all hate it. Can you please stop? If not for me, if not for the boys.. Can you try to get better for Louis?'

I had looked at him shocked and looked down at my plate. I picked up my fork and began to shove the food down my throat, eating every last crumb.

When I had finished I had pushed the plate away from me with a sigh.

I looked up and Liam had tearful eyes. I stood up and he embraced me in a tight hug. 'I've been so worried about you Harry. Thank you. Please try and get better... Please Im begging you.. Please..'  

 That was when I made it my mission to make sure they thought I was okay. That I was able to cope with it. Even though I knew I couldn't..

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