Drugs And Alchol Make You Cool, But Also Makes You Numb And Forget

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Even though I really didn't want to play sports I did. And as much as I didn't like most of them, I was good and that came with some perks I would not of otherwise had. I was invited to parties, I was passed in certain classes and I looked like a masculine piece of shit for my dad.

Some of these sports provided an opportunity for me to be around naked guys and not look creepy. I was starting to come to terms and admit to myself that might be at least bisexual. I also knew that women terrified the shit out of me.

Another perk was being invited to parties. Now parties often got me access multiple things, access to rooms with clothes to browse. Which I did.It also gave me the ability's and the means to get belligerently fucked up and forget about my life for awhile.

I often would get drunk even though I didn't like it. And I would smoke weed from the time I woke up to when I went to bed. I would watch everybody at these parties hook up with each other. And I would get jealous. Of her.

My best friend at the time was dating this girl from another school.  She was certifiably insane. He didn't know how to get rid of her. So I offered to help. We started chatting and I befriended her and was able to convince her she could do better then my friend. Some how I was introduced to her gay best friend. We started hanging out and would fool around a little bit. Nothing to crazy. The problem with him was he wasn't very good looking and he was visually gay.

When my dad found out I was hanging out this kid and forbid me from hanging out with again. I was ridiculed and called names again.

Around this time I started working my first job. My friend had this thing for the cook there who did not reciprocate the feelings. She was cute but rough around the edges, we came from similar backgrounds, so we clicked. It was puppy love too. I left her clothes alone and tried to be legit boyfriend. We were inseparable. We were hanging out before work one day when she started nibbling on my ear and neck. She had me shaking I was so horny.  She literally had me begging for sex until she finally relents. I take her down stairs to my room nervous about what to do but was excited. As I was putting the condom on and was surprise how much I was leaking. I barely even get passed the lips of her vagina before I blew my load.
She giggled playfully and said "we're gonna have to work on that but we have to go get work."

Me and her had a lot of sex, it was pretty basic missionary sex. It usually didn't last long but we went at it a lot.

I really cared for this girl and she worshipped the ground I walked on. Everything that was perfect. That was until I met her. To this day I still debate if she was an angel or the devil. Whatever it is that she was, upon looking back, she had one the biggest hands in the creation of what I am today.

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