twelve . dareity, flirtiary

183 9 3

I haven't played truth or dare in a long time knowing kacchan  he'd make it the more dirty one with his squde.

"What verison are we play-" I stammered.

"You know deku, you're to innocent for you're own good, some fucking times" kacchan says, with a little smirk.

"We do advise to never take mina dares" kirishima said, "they are spical"

"Theirr fine kiribeaa" Mina luaghed.

I'd sigh and just sit criss cross in the floor - as the games kicked off.

"Mina truth or dare" sero states.

"Truth~" she'd hum.

"Is their anyone in this room you are shipping" he'd sigh.

(He knows but truths half the time are very uh.. aren't origanal)

"Yes, of crouse I doo~" she'd giggle.

I wander who she wants to get together  - I bet it's kiri-kun and kacchan or Kami-kun.

The tension raised as all the boy glared dangers at her.. now wandering probably  who the  ship is.

"Kiribeaa truth or daree" she said sing song.

He'd glaze and hummed thinking abit.

"Shittyhair just answer we don't have all new year"  kacchan huffed out.

Kirikun shrugged, "fuck it. Dare"

Maybe her dares aren't to bad. Or he's hoping...

I didn't hear the dare, but I had kiri-kun  near me.

"The dare was..- sorry I zoned out" I glazed to the red head.

Is he always this hot...?

"It's fine midobro, im sorry if it makes you uncomfortable" kirishima chuckles, "mm~ but darlin' you need to keep focus in the real world"

Flirting dare, "eh?"

"We don't even know what the dare is" kamiari says.

I fell kirishimas hand apon my thigh, "comn' Bueatiful  you know~" he'd lean to my ear, "you're quiet a simp megnat it's kinda dawnting"

"Dawnting" I'd raise a brow, why would it be dawnting, I was blushing abt he's really hot like so.

He'd smirk  soft rubbing my tigh softly whispering in my ear, "darling..~ its dawnting that so many like you~ quiet unfair"

I'd blush more, "mm"

He'd hum softly and nuzzle my neck, "when we both know, I could treat you way better"

"Alright kiribea dares over, it's been a minute" Mina giggled.

"Im so sorry- if I went over the limits" kirishima said softly as he backed up, "it was just a dare"

"I agreed to play the game, it's fine kiri-kun" I'd hum.

"May we know what the fuck the dare was" Kacchans voice filled with a tone, though it sounded like his angry  tone he used to much in junior high, and sometimes with me here.

"To flirt  with someone you find pretty  for a minute" kirishima hummed, "witch let's be honst-"

"Yeah midobro is pretty" kamiari says, "pretty adorble~"

E-eh him to?

"Secound that, Mi amado~ is so pretty" sero hummed with a flirty wink.

"Alright you two, you're  making me fell single  when I'm not" jirou  sighed.

I glaze to kacchan as kirishima returned to his spot - that's 3 of his squde members... wait is..

Gah- no theirs no way Mina ships.. me with her own squad.


She does, because
Their all well.

Gay ... gay,
Did I mention gay..
For you.

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