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I soar above the battlefield and gaze down at the chaos.

I can see General Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano (aka Rara) near the center of the chaos, so I glide down and land next to her, sword in-hand.

"Hey, Neeks," Reyna says, not bothering to look at me. "Your father finally let you come and get a piece of the action?" I nod, slamming the flat of my stygian-iron sword into an angel's face, knocking him down the hill. "Took him long enough. This is not me telling you to risk your life, buuuut . . ."

"Just tell me. I'll say I flew off on my own. I never listen to my father so I don't think he'd expect me to listen to you," I mutter.

"Ok good, anyways, the angels' forces have already overwhelmed us on the east hills and the king isn't sending any backup."

"I'm the backup, Rara," I tell her.

"Are you backup or did the king just want a status report?"

"Why not both?"

Reyna rolls her eyes "Can you go try to find Soldier Perseus Jackson for me? I haven't seen him in a while."

"Sure." I spread my black, feathery wings and take off.

After a few minutes of soaring overhead, I see Percy surrounded by angels. I quickly swoop down to protect my friend and comrade.

"I'm surprised King Zeus didn't send better troops. There's five of you and you're barely holding up against one prince." Percy says. "Oh, hey."

"Get down on your knees and surrender, Prince Nico, before we knock you out and kill your friend." One of the enemy angels growls at Percy. "We don't want any more bloodshed than we need."

I raise an eyebrow at Percy. He just shrugs.

"Prince Nico," I mock a posh accent, "you are requested by General Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano. "

"Yeah, yeah. Tell her I'll be there once I'm finished with these angels."

The angels were clearly losing their patience.

"This is your final chance to surrender on behalf of your troops. Otherwise we will drag your unconscious body across the sky as proof that we have won."

"Well, what do you say, Soldier?" Percy asks me. "Should we surrender? King Hades wouldn't be very happy with us."

"They can't kill us," I tell him, "unless they want the full wrath of the king on their shoulders, that is. Sooooo, I'd say we fight until our last breath."

I lunge at the nearest angel and Percy does the same.

I stab my sword behind her knee, causing her to fall to the ground and, if I'm lucky, bleed to death or, at the very least, be in the medic's tent for the next few battles. I advance on the next angel, causing him to fly away in fear.

"WIMP!" I shout.

I quickly glance around the hill to make sure there's no other

"Uh, little help over here?" I call to Percy when I see 10 or so angels running up the hill towards us.

"Sorry! Little preoccupied over here!"

I look over and see Percy fighting off 3 angels on his own.

Only 3? I think. How weak.

"S-stay where you are!" A loud, but hesitant, voice calls in my direction. "W-we don't want to drag your dead bodies across the sky."

I look over to see a girl with long black hair and poofy white wings hesitantly holding up a sword. I do a quick count and it seems that she brought along 8 friends.

"Uh, we gotta go now, kelp head!" I tell Percy while slowly backing away from the girl.

"Give me a dam minute!" He replies, while slashing and stabbing the angels who are attacking him. "Ok, there, done-" he sees the group of angels. "Welp, we're fucked."

"Ya think?"

I take off in the direction of General Rara. I risk a quick glance back and see Percy doing the same.

"I told you we needed to go, kelp head."

"Oh, shut up."

I continue to quickly fly towards Reyna.

"So, Prince Nico, what was that all about, hm?" I ask

"Oh, come on. I wanted to scare them," Percy tells me.

"Uh huh, sure you did."

"Do you seriously not trust me?" Percy asks.

"Nope," I tell Percy. "For all I know, you were trying to get captured so you could meet up with your angelic girlfriend."

Percy is guiltily silent for a minute.

"At least I have a girlfriend!"

"That's low, Jackson. Real low."

We fly in silence until I hear a voice yell "FIRE!"

"Ah, schist," I hear Percy mumble under his breath.

Pain explodes in my wing.

"Well, see you in the next life, Percy."

I glide semi-gracefully(considering I just got hit in the wing with an arrow) down to the ground.

I put my hands up. "Fine, take me. Just don't-" I feel something hit my neck. "A sleeping dart? Rea-" I black out.


Well, uh . . . Don't kill me :3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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