Weather Woes ♡

532 23 7

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♡ Warnings!: Adult Jokes, Rushed ♡


Vincent's eyes opened to the dimmed bedroom. Even though it was quite dark, a faint light source lit through, probably around five or six in the morning. The curtains showed the slight dawn peeking through the horizon, casting a gentle glow across the room. His eyes blinked tiredly as he turned his head to the other side of the bed.

Expectedly, his husband was missing from the ruffled sheets.

Vincent chuckled softly and slipped out of bed, his footsteps muffled by the plush carpet. He tiptoed to the window, his gaze widening as he pulled the curtains aside. He was greeted by a serene view of the snow-covered landscape, a fairly thick blanket of white had covered their backyard overnight, covering the dried bushes and freezing the pool.

He certainly didn't expect so much snow, the road seemed to be obscured by the frozen water. And the cars that rested on it were no different.

But he shrugged it aside, he had more important things to worry about today, the snow didn't look very harsh anyway.

Vincent exhaled tiredly and shut the curtains, he had already spontaneously guessed where William would be as he opened their bedroom door. His body took him straight toward the kitchen, smelling a sweet and fruity scent as he neared closer to the area.

Pancakes? He guessed, or perhaps waffles? He would have to find out for himself.

The familiar marble counters came into view, with this faint smell now stronger. And he had guessed right, two or three plates of waffles with beverages rested on the stovetop. With the middle child and his husband chattering to each other faintly.

William didn't seem to notice him yet, still focused on the waffle machine as Michael talked about casual things with him.

Vincent leaned against the kitchen doorway, a fond smile playing on his lips as he observed the morning scene. A sweet aroma of the brisk yet fresh winter air that had crept inside, along with the scent of tangy syrup and crisp dough. Intertwining with the conversation and small laughter exchanged between his husband and stepson.

As he stepped further into the kitchen, the creaking floorboards gave away his presence quickly. William turned around, catching sight of his husband with a brief smile. "You woke up early today, hm?" William greeted, flipping a perfectly golden waffle onto the plate in front of him.

"I guess so.." Vincent let out a slight yawn, his voice still heavy with sleep.

William chuckled softly, "Did you sleep well?" He questioned.

Vincent nodded, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Like a log," he replied with a content sigh.

"Mm, I'm glad." William smiled, placing down the plates on the stovetop before approaching Vincent. He reached up to place his lips against the other man's, combing his husband's messy blonde hair with his fingers.

Vincent reciprocated the kiss, feeling his husband's warmth seep through him and calm his goosebumps caused by the chilly atmosphere. A sweet taste of syrup lingered on William's lips, making Vincent eagerly nip at his lower lip. The kiss lasted for a few moments as they sweetly fondled, holding onto each other's warm bodies.

Breaking the kiss, William sweetly smiled, "Happy Valentine's Day, handsome."

Vincent's chest filled with a warm glow of affection, his gaze softening as he returned William's smile. "Happy Valentine's, cupcake," he replied, his voice laced with adoration.

Vinliam's Valentine Special ♡Where stories live. Discover now