The retreating rain

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People say rainbow's are seen after rain.....but does every rain ends with a bright rainbow ??

It was the month of October the month of retreating rainy season, marking the new beautiful beginnings for few people while for some end of a ravishing chapter. The rainy season  is  often been compared to a season of love .. a season of romance, they say rain acts as a catalyst in few love stories, some find their soulmates while standing near a shop to protect themselves from getting drenched, and some by sharing a cup of tea under the shade....... but a love story which begins in advancing monsoon lasts after the season ends or it ends with the last rain ??

Ram & Priya's story was one such the circumstances brought them together in a three month marriage contract but with time they fell for each other...... now it was October..the month of retreating rain, the month which marks the end of their three month contract marriage..... will they hold onto each other... confess their feelings or their relationship ends with the last rain of season.

For the world one was the top businessman and other a renowned dentist.......but inside they both were cowards who didn't have enough guts to express their emotions. By the time they understood their feelings it was time to let go off their marriage and   each other...... was their love strong enough to fight their inner demons.... conflicts for each other or  they will have their inner demons take a control of themself and ends up losing their love forever.

Just like rains return the next season a year later.....will destiny bring the two lovers face to face again .

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