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It was almost now one week of Sunghoon and Sunoo living together, both getting used to each other's presence. They had fallen into a slight routine: Sunoo made breakfast, they either skipped or made their own lunch, and Sunghoon baked or cooked something (usually if he didn't set the kitchen alight) for the two.

They wouldn't admit it but they enjoyed the meals they had together and the small exchange of comments. They got to know each other better through them, either interesting facts or common information.

But today Sunghoon had the odd idea of waking up early and making breakfast for the two of them.
And so that's what he did. He set up an alarm the night before to wake up at 6:00 in the morning, and decided that he would make pancakes, a dish he learned to cook during his time in America.

He cautiously snuck out of his room and headed downstairs. Although it was quite early, Sunoo would wake up at around 5:30 to do his self-care routines, meaning that the boy was now awake.

Sunghoon tried to keep quiet as he passed the lounge-ish room, cringing when a floorboard creaked a little too loud.

But Sunoo payed no mind - the boy was waiting for his clay mask to dry while reading a magazine, specifically one about photography.


Sunghoon had successfully made it downstairs, letting out an exasperated sigh, rotating his head back slightly. He left the small room and entered the dining room, directly leading to the kitchen.


A/N: Okay so, I just wanted to say, being the nice person that I am (not), I'll be including an actual recipe even though no one would give less of a shit about it


He prepared the things he needed, grabbing several ingredients off shelves and instrumentation.

The pancakes Jay taught him how to make required a few ingredients:

- 1 Cup of flour, preferably all-purpose
- 2 TBSP of sugar
- 2 Teaspoons of baking powder
- A pinch of baking soda
- 1/4 Of a teaspoon for salt
- 220ml Milk
- 2 TBSP of butter
- 1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 2-3 Medium egg

He took a bowl and started by cracking the eggs, slowly whisking as he added the sugar. He stopped for a moment as he poured in half the milk and melted butter, resuming after he had done so. The batter started to come together, so he added the last of his wet ingredients - being the vanilla extract - and whisked it until it reached a meringue-like consistency. He added the flour and baking powder, folding the batter instead of whisking.
Finally, Sunghoon sprinkled the pinch of baking soda and gave it one last fold. He added the remaining portion of milk and whisked, concluding his batter.

The brunette turned on the stove, just to have it slightly hot when he started and began cleaning the kitchen island he was working on.

He picked up a bowl while cleaning,
He slipped.

Falling backwards, his hand collided against whatever there was to support himself and tried regaining balance.

When he was back on his feet, he felt a weird sensation at his hands and immediately brought them up to his face to examine. They were an ugly shade of red.

The male's eyes widened.

"Did I just burn my hand?"


Thankfully, the male had ran his hand under cold water immediately, so the burn wasn't too serious.
Although it had barely ripped a layer of skin, Sunghoon had still dipped it in ice water.

"Better safe than sorry,"
he said to no-one in particular as he bandaged his hand carefully.


He had finished flipping the last of one million pancakes and closed the stove, placing the last one on a plate. Quickly checking his phone, he grabbed the plates and set them on the table. It was 6:57, and Sunoo was to come downstairs any moment.




Sunoo had finally entered the surprised to see his fiancé up so early. But that wasn't what concerned him. The pink-haired boy raced towards the brunette, holding up his left hand.

"What happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you call me? I could've helped!" He piled questions in panic. The other looked at him, dumbfounded.

Sunoo sighed. "Make sure to inform me if you get injured, or treat them properly."

Sunghoon nodded, and they gazed into each other's eyes. The younger fiancé broke eye contact first, loosening his grip around Sunghoon's tightly clasped hand.

He looked away with a slight blush and let go of Sunghoon's hand completely, sitting on the dining table, across from the brunette.


"So, what made you wake up so early and make breakfast for the two of us?"
Sunoo asked, breaking the silence.

"Nothing, I just woke up earlier than usual and thought I should save you some time."

Sunoo quirked an eyebrow. "Woke up earlier than usual? I heard an alarm coming from your room.

Several alarms?"

he challenged, causing Sunghoon's eyes to widened.

He sighed deeply and guiltily raised his hand either side of his head, surrendering.

"Yes, I planned to wake up earlier today, make pancakes for the two of us, burn my hand, have my wife worried and also interrogate me."

Sunoo sighed and began to eat the food. He felt awkward, his fiancé just stared at him as he chewed on the fluffy pancakes. Taking a sip of water to wash them down, he asked the older,
"Why aren't you eating?"

The other male chuckled in response, "You do realise there's no chance of me eating anything with a burnt hand?"

The pink haired raised his head and cocked an eyebrow. "What do you want me to do,  feed you?"



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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