Santa Clause Lane

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Act 1, Scene 1: The Classroom

Narrator: Our story start out inside a classroom, 10 minutes after class has started.........

Candy Cane: Oh, man! We're late again!

Holly Berry: Well, it's the last day of school. Maybe Miss Elle won't give us such a hard time.

(Miss Elle Toe is writing something on the chalkboard, her back to the class, so the girls tiptoe inside and sit down at their desks)

Candy: (whispering to Holly) Whew! We made it!

Miss Elle Toe: (turning to the class) Girls! How nice of you to join us!

Holly Berry: Miss Elle, there is a perfectly good explanation for why we are late.....

Miss Elle: I'm sure there is, Holly. It's always something.....

(snickering from the class)

Candy: How much trouble are we in this time?

Miss Elle: (Smiling a mischevious smile) Class, because of these two girls, you will all be staying after school (general groans and dirty looks shot at Candy and Holly)...for the first annual school-wide snowball fight!!

(The class cheers, then is settled down by Miss Elle. Miss Elle begins passing out fun things such as coloring sheets and word searches for the students to do, and they all quietly talk amongst theirselves and do their busy work.)

Narrator: The children are busy talking excitedly to themselves and working on the sheets Miss Elle has given them. Finally, the bell rings and everyone rushes to get on their winter gear and make it outside for the snowball fight.  After an hour, everyone is cold, wet, and exhausted, but no one can stop smiling.

(Students go offstage in different directions in groups of 2-5, laughing and talking quietly. Holly and Candy are left onstage alone, laughing and talking to one another)

Candy: That. Was. AWESOME!!!!

Holly: I know! Best snowball fight EVER!!!!

Candy: Yeah! Did you see the look on Nicholas's face when I nailed him with that snowball?!

Holly: That was hilarious!!

(Nicholas, entering from stage left, strides up to the girls and puts arm around Holly's shoulder)

Nicholas: Hey, what are you two talking about??

Holly: Oh, nothing...(glances at Candy, then both girls burst out laughing and Holly, still laughing, says) Just how funny it was when Candy got you with that snowball!!

(both girls continue laughing)

Nicholas: Hey! It wasn't that funny!!

Holly and Candy (in unison): Yes it was!!

(all three start laughing then, and Nicholas's best friend Noel enters from stage left to join the group)

Noel: Hey, Nick...(shyly) Hi, Candy.

Candy Cane: (shyly) Hi, Noel.

Nicholas: Aww, aren't you two just so sweet!

Holly: (playfully shoving Nicholas and giving him a flirty, dazzling smile) Don't tease!

Nicholas: (striding back over to Holly and putting his arm back around her shoulder) So, are we going to the movies tonight or what? (Leading Holly away from Noel and Candy) Noel and Candy could come, like a double date (Nicholas looks at Noel and winks; Noel blushes).

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