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the two of them walked through the house and eventually up the stairs. they found an empty room, and jack closed the door, locking it behind them. they both sat on the bed, pulling their phones out and scrolling through their social media.

''is kali keeping an eye on him?'' makayla asked, knowing that was the agreed plan.

jack nodded. ''she said he looks angry as fuck.''

''good.'' she laughed and then cleared her throat. ''thanks for doing this, by the way.''

''it's no problem, but you owe me if kali ever does anything like this.''

''of course - we're basically besties at this point.''

jack laughed. ''obviously.''

''how long do you think we should stay up here?'' 

he cleared his throat awkwardly. ''can i be honest?''

''of course.''

''then not long.''

makayla burst into laughter. ''two minutes?''

''fuck you.'' he laughed.

''five? ten?''

''around that mark.'' he joked. ''and then what are we doing?''

the brunette girl turned so that her back was facing the boy, her hair trailing down.

''can you fuck my hair up a bit? if i was led down getting some?''

he sat up, roughly moving his hands through her hair. he did it for a few moments, and then pulled away. makayla walked to the mirror, checking it and then wiped her lipgloss gently, making sure it was smudged and then sat back on the bed.

''we'll go down in five.'' 

he nodded. ''sounds good to me.''


makayla and jack hung out in the room for a while before deciding it was okay to go back downstairs. he opened the door first, leading the brunette girl out and along the hall. they noticed kali sitting at the island in the kitchen and they both went to her.

''have you seen chris?'' she whispered.

the blonde nodded. ''he's literally been pacing up and down in the living room.''

''okay, i'm gonna go in there and see if he says anything.''

''good luck, babe.'' kali smiled lightly. ''we're here if you need us.''

''thank you.'' she replied genuinely before taking a deep breath and making her way to the living room.

she noticed him as soon as she walked in.

he was talking with nick and ryan, a smile on his face. nick said something and chris burst into laughter. makayla should've been happy to see her friends happy, but she wasn't...well, not for chris. he was supposed to be angry, pacing around waiting for her. for a moment, she thought it hadn't worked and she felt disappointment wash over her.

but then he looked away from his brother and friend for a second, his eyes finding makayla, and his smile faded.

nick and ryan were still talking and, whilst chris was there physically, he definietely wasn't metally. he couldn't pull his eyes from the brunette girl, and she didn't look away from him. for a few seconds, it felt like they were the only two people in the room.

until makayla's view of chris was blocked.

she focused on the guy in front of her, who already had a smile on his face.

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now