Chapter 1: Preparing For A 2nd Potter. (Edited)

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•OCTOBER 31ST, 2001....•

    A naked man with slightly wild, short black hair sits in a glass ball in a cellar. This is Dream Of The Endless, better known as Morpheus. He is the ruler of dreams, nightmares, and stories. He was caught and trapped by a greedy man in 1916. It is now October 31st, 2001, Halloween night aka Samhain. It has been 85 years since his capture.

    He lifts his head slightly, showing his lake blue and gray eyes. His breathtaking eyes scan the cellar as he senses strong magic in the air. They suddenly shoot straight in front of him. Just then a woman appears, as a spirit, 15 feet from him. She has a sort of stick, a wand, in her hand and she's half zoned out. She suddenly looks around, seeming confused.
    She's 20 or so with a lean figure. She has fair skin. As well as long, blood red hair. An very vibrant green eyes that almost seem to glow with magic. She's wearing a loose, knee length black dress. Over it she's wearing a black cloak with ruins sown into it. She has a ruby necklace wrapped around her left hand. Her right is holding her wand.

    "Oh no," she says, shocked after spotting him. She covers her mouth, clearly recognizing the being as who he is. She takes a moment to collect herself. She spots the magic binding and summoning circle. She walks closer but it stops her from entering. She kneels and seems to study it.
    "Ritual Earth Magic." She bites her lip.
    "I have no talent for rituals or any sort of nature magic." She looks at him without looking at his bare body. She looks at his nose, avoiding eye contact to show respect.
    "Lord Dream, I am Lilly Maria Potter neé Evens." His fingers twitch at the name Potter.
    "I can't free you. My husband is using a astral projection ritual to send me here. If you tell me where we are we can come and break the circle." She becomes nervous. He subtly puts his fingers against the glass ball. She gets the hint and reaches out to him with her limited magic. He makes a link to speak directly into her mind.

    "You're nervous, why?" She shakes her head.

    "It doesn't matter. Freeing you is more important."

    "You can't. I don't know the location, this circle blocks such senses. Why are you here? You were surprised to see me, so the ritual was not for you to find me." She frowns.
    "Tell me," he insists.

    "There is a war among magicals, Core Users specifically. Someone claims to have made a prophecy about my son. It put a target on my family. Now we're in hiding but I don't trust the man ment to hide us. Just recently I found out I was pregnant. A trusted friend suggested a ritual to astral project to someone for help. My husband and I had different rituals to choose from. Each would send my astral projection to someone or something else. We chose someone connected to my unborn child, that would protect them. I'm not sure why it brought me to you. Maybe the loyalty vow my husband's ancestors made."

    "Doubtful. Sit and tell me about this war." She sits just outside of the magic circle.


•(It's November 7th. Lilly's about 3 months pregnant.)•

    "Damon," Lilly says with a smile after answering the door. The man smiles at the blood red haired woman.
    Damon Salvatore, a 157-year-old vampire. He has short raven black hair, silverish icy blue eyes. His skin is pale, almost like porcelain. He's wearing a black, short sleeved shirt. Over it he's wearing a black leather jacket. He has some dark blue jeans on. He's also wearing black shoes.

    "Hey Lils, what's going on? James seemed worried on the phone." Lilly side steps and he enters, having already been invited in.

    "You should probably sit down," Lilly says as she closes the door.


•DECEMBER 21ST, 2001....•
•(She's about 4 months pregnant.)•

    "Lord Dream." He opens his eyes and sees Lilly. She kneels just outside the circle and reaches out with her magic.
    "We haven't found you yet. You're right about them somehow cloaking you." She frowns, upset about it.
    "But I did find a linking spell."

    "What of it?"

    "It'd let you astral project to something or someone you're linked to. At least then you can see more than this cellar. You can cut it off or temporarily close the link at any time." He thinks about it before agreeing to it.


•(It's January 21st, 2002. She's about 5 months pregnant.)•

    "Hello love," a man with a strong old English accent says.
    Niklaus Mikaelson better known as Klaus. He's 1 of The Original Vampires, better known as The Originals. He has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. His skin is pale peach. He's wearing a black short sleeve shirt and blue jeans. He has multiple leather necklaces and wears cuff bracelets.
    Lilly smiles at the thousand year old vampire and hugs him. He pauses, surprised by the sudden hug before he hugs her. They release each other and pull away. Lilly goes to say something but is cut off.

    "Niklaus." Klaus stiffens at the voice before smirking.

    "Elijah." He turns and they see Elijah Mikaelson walking up. Elijah has short brown, almost black hair and dark eyes. He's wearing a black suit, as he usually is.

    "I did not mean for you both to show up at the same time, I'm sorry." They look at Lilly and see her getting teary eyed. The brothers share a confused look.

    "Lillyflower?" James calls out from inside. He walks up and sees Lilly tearing up.
    "Hey, hey, it's alright. How about you start some tea? Yeah? I got that Wild Purple Rashi that Satomi recommend. Good for building a strong immune system, remember?" She sniffles and nods.
    "It's on the kitchen island." She goes inside.

    "Lord Potter, what's going on?" Elijah asks.

    "Please, just call me James. I'll explain inside, please come in." The brothers share a look before they enter. James closes the door after looking around.


•(It's February 21st, 2002. She's about 6 months pregnant.)•

    "Ow," Remus says after they land.

    "Lillyflower! Are you okay!? Is the baby okay?!" James asks rapidly.

    "James, you broke her landing, she's fine," Sirius says. He and Remus get up from where they landed as Lilly agrees with him. Remus holds out a hand and helps her up, off of James's back. Sirius helps James up.

    "Where are we Lillyflower?" James asks.

    "The Enchanted Forest."

    "Why are we here again?" Sirius asks.

    "To make a deal," Lilly says with a serious expression.
    "Step back." The trio of males is confused but step behind her. She takes a slow, deep breath.
    "Rumpelstiltskin," she calls out.

     "Hello deary." The trio of males jump at the voice. A man steps out from behind a tree. He has golden scales covering his skin. His hair is dark chocolate brown, his eyes are amber and like that of a reptile. He's wearing a dark silver vest, black leather pants, dragon hied boots, and a dragon hied coat.

    "I've come to make a deal," Lilly says calmly. The trio who came with her look at her like she's lost her mind. Rumpelstiltskin, however, smiles at her.

    "And what is it you want deary?" She pulls a scroll out of her coat pocket. She tosses it to him and he catches it. He raises a eyebrow before opening it. He takes nearly a hour to read it.
    "Very detailed and thought out, no loopholes, I'm impressed. Let me guess, you already have something to offer?"

    "Offer?" James asks.

    "All magic comes at a price," Lilly and Rumpelstiltskin reply in unison. Rumpelstiltskin smiles at the woman.

    "Especially the magic she wants done," he tells James. He looks at Lilly again.
    "So do you have something to offer?"

    "A name."

    "A name?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

    "The name your son uses now." His eyes widen.

    "Baelfire," he breathes.
    "Where is he?" he asks quickly, almost demanding. She frowns at him. 

    "You know that's not how it works." He grits his teeth but sees she's actually upset at not being able to answer him. 
    "I don't know where he is, but he's alive and doesn't go by Baelfire anymore." He sees she's being honest and really does feel bad about not knowing Baelfire's location. He reads the scroll again. He sighs after reading it. 

    "His chosen name isn't enough." 

    "Why not?" James asks. 

    "Magic works differently here. It's more like sacrificial or dark magic to us. The magic needs fuel, especially his since it's so strong and I didn't ask for something small," Lilly explains. 

    "Deary's right." Lilly reaches in her pocket and pulls out a small porcelain jar. She holds it out and he walks over, taking it. He opens it and pours ash onto his palm. 
    "Ash from the torch of Prometheus." He looks at her shocked. 
    "How did you get this?" 

    "That doesn't matter." He looks at her for a few moments before the jar and scroll disappear in smoke. They're replaced with a contract. He makes a quill appear in his other hand. Then he holds both out to her. She takes them and reads the contract. She looks at him sharply. 
    "You want to influence their name?" 

    "No, I want to know their name." 

    "We haven't chosen any the, we don't even know the gender." 

    "But there hasn't been a girl born to my family in centuries," James adds. 

    "And with uh... him involved a girl is very unlikely," Remus points out.

    "Yeah, he's never had a d-... half-blood girl before," Sirius adds. Lilly elbows James and Sirius in the ribs, making them cradle them. 

    "Let me have hope to not be completely surrounded by boys," she snaps at them. Sirius snickers even though he's in pain and Remus gives her a sympathetic smile. Rumpelstiltskin watches them, amused. 

    "Well, we'll have to change that condition then deary. They need to be around my magic for me to be able to do want you wanted." They all look at him. 

    "Then what do you suggest, Rumpelstiltskin?" Remus asks, almost saying the name in disbelief. 

    "Hm... How far along are you?" he asks Lilly. 

    "6 months," she answers with a soft smile, putting her hand on her stomach. 

    "And the time difference?" he asks. She looks at him. 

    "How did you know?" 

    "I'm the Dark One deary, it's what I do." 

    "I'm not sure but you're cursed. You don't remember your name or magic, you believe your name is Robert Gold, a pawn shop and landowner from what little I managed to find out." He raises a eyebrow. 

    "Me? Cursed? Forget magic?" 

    "In a land without magic." His eyes widen before he grins. 

    "Tell me about this curse." She smirks at him. 

    "And what would I get out of that?" He laughs after a moment. 

    "Clever deary. Fine, let's talk over tea." He waves his hand and they all disappear in smoke. 

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