✦ { Corina } Better Than Before

35 4 3

Reviewer: Lady-of-ink

Client: _insert_name_here

"Better than before" tells the story of Kelsey, who returns to her native town to make her ex-boyfriend leave her alone and Sean, the brother of the said ex-boyfriend.

The title is interesting. It gives me hope that things will be better for Kelsey and Sean. It gives me a feeling of change, something very important in our lives. Change is usually scary, so I am curious to see how Kelsey and Sean will handle it.

I like the blurb. The author doesn't tell us too much, leaving a lot of room for expectations. This can be good, but also bad. Not giving too much information in the description is definitely a way of making the readers curious. However, if our expectations are too high, the book could feel unsatisfactory at the end. Still, I think it's a very good description.

The cover, unfortunately, isn't attractive. We know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but that doesn't mean we aren't doing it. I suggest placing an order at a graphic shop for a more attractive cover.

The plot seems interesting. I like that the author gives us time to meet both Kelsey and Sean before they first meet each other. I like the idea of finding love after being hurt and having a healthy relationship after a toxic one, getting to actually understand what love is.

There are hundreds of books with this kind of idea, but there is definitely something original about it. I like the fact that Kelsey and Jake haven't been together in years, as this won't turn in a "He stole his brother's girl" idea.

The action doesn't feel rushed, mostly because the author chose to introduce the characters one at a time. It also doesn't feel slow, which is a very good thing as otherwise it would bore the readers.

The characters seem interesting. I already like Kelsey and Sean. They both seem to be compelling characters with interesting stories. I like that they both have different friends, not making the story a situation where one's friends become the other's. I think it's important to have more friends, especially not only common friends with your partner.

I haven't seen grammatical mistakes, but there are a few commas missing or put in the wrong place. For example, "I'm coming", she said. The comma should be before the apostrophe (I'm coming," she said). I also noticed the alignment on the page is a bit wrong. There are moments when there is an empty line between paragraphs and moments when there isn't. Also, the author also puts a few spaces at the beginning of the paragraph, which I wouldn't find wrong if there would be an equal number. However, all of these mistakes are something that can be fixed quickly.

In conclusion, I think this book has a lot of potential to be a great story. I like the main characters and the plot, but, as I've said, there is room for some improvements in certain places.

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