Dad how did you meet grandpa

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The Aizawa family is sitting in the living room doing there own things until Eri asks "dad how did you meet grandpa"

"Ohh I am curious about this" Shinso said with curiosity as he walks over with his cat muffin.

Shota puts down the test he was grading and said "well if you are interested, you should go get your Papa cause he probably wants to know as well"

"Ok" Eri runs off to Mic

Shinso looked to his dad with a confused expression and said "wait dad wouldn't Papa already know this"

Sighing softly Shota says "he only knows parts of the story"

"Oh ok"

Once Eri was back with Mic, everyone got comfortable.

"Well as you all know Izuku isn't my real dad, he adopted me"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well my parents weren't the best of people. They didn't like my quirk they thought it was evil"

"But your quirk is cool dad" Eri said trying to bring up the mood.

"Thanks Eri, but they didn't thinks so like you do"

"Oh" Eri looked down sad for her dad and seeing that Shota hugged her saying "but I am happy I have people like you that like my quirk" Eri looked to her dad happily as she hugged back.

"Ok now to continue with the story. So cause not very many people like my quirk they thought I was a villain, I got bullied lots because of that in school. They kept telling me that I couldn't be a hero because people would think I am a villain, all because I could erase there quirk"

"So when you adopted me, you saw yourself in me" questions Shinso

"That is correct bud" Aizawa smiles to his son.

"Dad please continue the story" Eri said excited to hear more.

"Ok ok Eri calm your horses I will get there. Ok so where was I was only eight years old when my parents kicked me out of the house"

The kids look at their dad with sadness and Eri hugs him saying "then seem like bad people and I am happy grandpa found you"

"And why is that?"

"Cause now your my dad"

The group giggled at Eri antics.

"Well should I continue" the group nod their heads for Aizawa to continue.

"Ok so after my parents kicked me out of the house I started to wonder the streets until I met him"


'Stupid quirk, why did I have to be born with this stupid quirk. Maybe if I didn't have mom and dad would still love me' was all young shota could think as he walks down the streets cold and trying to ask people for help.

But no one wanted to help the poor kid just thinking that a hero would help him, cause since there is hero's any problem is there's to deal with.

Shota would keep walking around until he found a box with an old worn out blanket inside.

'Maybe I should make this my home for now'

Shota then made quick work of making the box into something a little more comfortable, even though it wasn't really.

"That's good. Now time to go to bed"

Dad how did you meet grandpaWhere stories live. Discover now