Test of the Leader

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Mia, Emily and I were out for an all girls day when we heard a bunch of screaming coming from a certain area. We saw a lot of Moogers attacking the city. We transformed into our Ranger suits then charged for the Moogers.

Mia saw this dude that was surrounded by a bunch of Moogers. She leaped into action then took down every Mooger there is.

"Are you okay?!" Mia asked, "You gotta get outta here...as in right now."

"Right now?" The guy asked.

At that point I wasn't listening to their conversation. I had to help a few people get to safety. There were a lot more Moogers in my area than in Mia's.

"I sure hope the guys get here soon!" Emily exclaimed as we fought off the monsters.

"Me too!" Mia stated.

It's been a few days since Mike defeated that Weather Nighlok guy. 

"OH! TAWNY! I've been meaning to talk to you about this for a while now!" Mia started off her sentence on her side of the battle against the monsters

"Can't it wait?!" I yelled from my side of the battle against the monsters.

"Not really! It's about the boys and since we live with them its kind of hard to-" Mia began to rant off her sentence.

"Get to the point, Mia!" I yelled at her as I continued to fight off the Moogers.

"She's asking if you have a crush on Mike!" Emily jumped in, "Or with any of the boys in the house!"

"WHAT!!" I yell in pure shock. My head darts directly at the Pink and Yellow Ranger. At that very moment, the guys showed up in the Zords. The Beetle, The Tiger, and The Swordfish.

"Look! There they are!" Mia said pointing to the guys in the Zords. She was obviously trying to change the subject 

"Mia! Are you serious?! No I don't have a crush on Mike!" I answered in disgust, "He's foolish and weird!"

"Well you have to have a crush on someone!" Mia told me.

"Like who?!" I asked in confusion.

"Like Jayden!" Mia answered.

"Really?! This again?!?!" I said, "He's my best friend!"

"You are so in Love with him!" Emily stated, "Everyone can see it!"

"See what?!" I asked in complete shock and confusion both at the same time.

"THE WAY YOU LOOK AT HIM!!" Mia and Emily answered in unison.

"It's so obvious that you have a thing for him!" Emily mentioned.

"Why are we even talking about this right now?!" I asked. 

All of a sudden, I felt my belt buzz. It was my Samuraizer. I flipped it open then put it up to my ear.


"We need the Samurai battle Wing!" Jayden answered.

"These are Moogers! They're practically Zombies! Just cut there heads off then you'll be fine!" I argued with him.

"TAWNY!" He yelled my name in frustration.

"UGH! Fine!" I gave in. I hung up the phone, "Are you girls fine here alone?!"

"Yeah! Go ahead!" Mia answered.

"Good luck!" Emily wished.

"Raven Folding Zord! Mega Mode Power!" I chanted. I hopped into the Raven Zord then spun the Silver Moth disc onto my control panel, "Moth Zord!"

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