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"Captain's log

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"Captain's log. Day- day one?
Can't exactly tell time out here in the vast expanse of space, but... that's okay. I guess. It is important to note that I don't trust any of the people in my 'crew' of misfits. The company threw them together at the last minute and yanked me out of 'retirement.'  (A retirement I am still not old enough for.)
They all scare me. Especially the robot.
Oh man, now I'm rambling, I should get back to driving this gorgeous hunk of junk.
No sign of anything interesting yet...

Stay Tuned.
Venus awaits.

Hello beautiful people!!
Welcome to AD ASTRA, my original applyfic.
I will admit, I was going to make this sort of an among up applyfic but I figured the vague plot I have planned isn't all that close to it
If you'd like me to change it, let me know lmao.
I had originally planned this to be just a book I wrote but decided since I have some amount of followers I'd attempt one of these so here we go!

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-follow me (doesn't have to be permanent)
-paste and recommend this story on your mb
-tell me your favorite sci fi fandom
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-be my friend lol

See you soon!

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