32~ Crossing The Borders

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Author's POV

She nervously stared at the full-length mirror that was attached to the wall and her breath hitched in her throat after taking her reflection.

She changed so much from that petite girl to a curvy woman, maybe after two pregnancies she thought she had become less pretty.

But why she was doubting her own thoughts now?

Old memories came rushing inside her head resurfacing the boundaries as she glanced at the nine-drape yard saree adorning her curves perfectly.

She didn't expect it from him, she thought it would be a revealing or short dress but to her surprise, it was a beautiful nine-drape yard saree of green colour.

She loved it so much, she never felt this happy to wear short dresses or a simple saree, how much she loves nine-drape yard sarees.

She smiled to herself and after taking a long breath slowly opened the door only to see a beautiful view.

The scented red candles were designed perfectly, and so were the petals of Roses, it just left her breathless for quite some time, making her heart beat rhythmically.

The shining stars through that glass ceiling and the dark green trees waving around made it more attractive.

These were dreams she once saw and faded away with time, was she living it or hallucinating?

It was no less than a fantasy for her, how could this be happening in her life?

Her eyes landed on the bouquet of dark red roses and the note that was kept near it.

She took her steps towards it and lifted that note before reading the italic lines imprinted there.

"This is for the girl who means the world to me, and will be always my better half."

A lovely smile graced her lips but a clicking sound of the door brought her back to the world.

She turned around and her eyes got stuck on him, for the first time after years, she took her time to admire him.

He was wearing a simple black shirt with half-done buttons showing his well-built muscles with those scary snake tattoos on his chest, his sleeves folded to his elbow, and tight blue jeans perfectly fitting his thighs.

Her eyes travelled towards his face, his well-trimmed beard giving him a mature look, his straight nose, those thin lips, messy hair as always and those frozen long eyelashes.

Then she realized he too was staring at her without blinking his eyes for once and her stare shyly cascaded down thinking that he caught her but he was too dazed up to admire her.

His dark stares took every ounce of her beauty, she was bare with no makeup, no ornaments, not even lipstick or Kajal, her chubby cheeks were adorned with natural blush her ass-length curly hair was left open while her midline was filled with vermillion.

Seven years ago he met that child who now completely turned into a woman, only his woman.

That saree was wrapped around her so perfectly showing each curve adequately, his eyes stopped on her milky waist and he felt his member twitching so hard in his pants.

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