Elbows (Jily)

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Lily and James nervously eyed the bed, both realising that tonight marked a new chapter in their relationship. As they settled in for their first night of shared slumber, James joked, "I hope I don't accidentally elbow you in the face."

Lily chuckled, "Just try to keep your limbs under control, Potter." They awkwardly arranged themselves, leaving a cautious gap between them. James, attempting to be suave, said, "Ready for some serious cuddling action?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "Just don't crush me, okay?" They tentatively embraced, limbs interlocking like a puzzle. James, with an exaggerated sigh, whispered, "I can feel the warmth of your anxiety radiating."

Lily giggled, "Says the guy who's practically sweating nervousness." They both shifted, trying to find the perfect cuddling position without accidentally kneeing each other. After a few comical attempts, they settled into a comfortable embrace.

As the night progressed, James mumbled in his sleep, "Watch out for the Quidditch bludger!" Lily burst into laughter, waking him up. "What?" he mumbled, half-asleep.

"You were dreaming about Quidditch bludgers," Lily teased. James grinned, "Well, they're a big part of my life, Evans." They shared a sleepy smile, realising that despite the initial awkwardness, this new sleeping arrangement brought them even closer.

Lily couldn't shake a self-conscious thought. "James," she hesitated, "what if you can feel my heartbeat racing?"

James chuckled, pulling her closer, "Lily, if my Quidditch-roughened hands survived holding a Snitch, they can handle feeling your heartbeat. It's reassuring, actually."

Blushing, Lily admitted, "I just worry it's too fast or too loud." James pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, "Your heartbeat is like a magical lullaby, Evans. It's perfect. Besides, if you listen closely, you'll hear mine trying to keep up."

She smiled, feeling comforted. "And what about when I fidget in my sleep?" Lily asked, still uncertain. James grinned, "I find it endearing. It's like sharing a bed with a mischievous pixie. Keeps things interesting."

Lily couldn't help but laugh, "A pixie, huh?" James nodded, "Absolutely. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Your quirks make you who you are, Lily Evans, and I love every bit of it."

James could still feel how tense she was . "What's really bothering you?" Lily hesitated, "James," she began softly, "what if you can feel all my imperfections?"

James gently lifted her chin to meet his eyes, "Lily, I'm not here to critique your imperfections. Besides, I don't know of any scars you have, and I certainly couldn't feel them." He traced circles on her back, continuing, "Your body is a work of art, and I feel privileged just to share this moment with you."

Lily let out a small sigh, "But what if you feel... I don't know, squishy parts or something?" Realisation dawned on him. Lily was self-conscious of her body. He turned to her, and she could just make out the intensity in his eyes. "Lily. You are beautiful, and don't ever let yourself think otherwise. And if I haven't shown you that every damn day, then I'm sorry, I have failed you. You deserve to be worshipped, and if it's the last thing I do, I'll make sure you are." Lily turned to reply, but he had already fallen asleep again.
Lily felt James shift in his sleep, and suddenly, his hand brushed against her breast. A wave of self-consciousness washed over her, and she tensed, unsure of how to react. James, half-asleep, mumbled an apology, but Lily couldn't shake the awkwardness.

"James," she whispered, her voice uncertain, "I... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but I can't help feeling a bit weird about it."

James, now fully awake, looked at her with concern. "Lily, I didn't mean to... I swear it was an accident," he said, his eyes searching hers for understanding.

"I know," Lily replied, avoiding eye contact, "but it just makes me feel... I don't know, exposed. I'm not used to sharing my space like this."

James, realizing the depth of her discomfort, gently cupped her face and made her look at him. "Lily, I love you, and I would never want to make you feel like I'm invading your privacy. I'll be more careful, okay? I just want you to feel safe."

Lily nodded, still feeling uneasy. "I appreciate that, James. It's just... I guess I'm not as comfortable with all this as I thought." James pulled her into a reassuring hug, "We can take it at whatever pace you're comfortable with, Lily. No pressure. I just want you to know I love you."


"Good morning, lovebirds!" Sirius announced, a mischievous grin on his face. Lily and James shot up, disheveled from sleep, and Lily's cheeks turned crimson. She screamed, before ducking under the covers and crawling deep into the bed.

"Sirius, can't you knock?" James groaned, trying to cover their tousled appearance.

Sirius raised an eyebrow, "Why? I thought you two were beyond the need for privacy." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Lily's embarrassment deepened.

James, equally flustered, added, "We're just... adjusting to a new sleeping arrangement.

Realization dawned on Sirius, and he grinned even wider. "Oh, got it! Just checking." He winked before leaving the room, leaving Lily mortified and James shaking his head.

Lily, overcome with embarrassment, rushed to the bathroom. James, concerned, followed her, knocking gently on the door. "Lily, love, are you okay?"

Her muffled sobs came through, "I can't believe he walked in on me like that. It's humiliating."

James sighed, leaning against the door, "Lily, it's just Sirius being Sirius. I promise he didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Lily, wiping away tears, opened the door slightly. James stepped in, pulling her into a comforting hug. "I'm sorry, Lily. I should have warned him or something."

Lily sniffled, "It's not your fault. I just... I feel so exposed."

James kissed her forehead, "You're beautiful, Lily. And I love you no matter what you're wearing or not wearing. Let's just laugh it off, okay? Sirius is bound to do something ridiculous again."

Reluctantly, Lily managed a small smile. "Okay, but next time, I'm locking the door."

They chuckled together, finding solace in each other's arms, knowing that in the midst of embarrassment, their love remained a steady anchor.

Later that day, James, still irritated by Sirius's intrusive entrance, sought him out. Finding him in the common room, James took a deep breath before speaking sternly, "Sirius, we need to talk about this morning."

Sirius, looking genuinely confused, replied, "What's the big deal, mate? Just having a bit of fun."

James frowned, "It's a big deal because Lily was embarrassed, and it's not fair to invade our privacy like that. We're sharing a bed, not putting on a show."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Oh, come on, Prongs. It was just a bit of harmless banter."

James sighed, "Harmless or not, it made Lily uncomfortable. We need to respect each other's boundaries."

While James confronted Sirius, Lily found solace in the presence of Remus. Sensing her distress, Remus offered a sympathetic smile and said, "Hey, Lily, I heard what happened. Are you okay?"

Lily sighed, "I just... I felt so exposed and embarrassed. It's like he doesn't understand boundaries."

Remus nodded understandingly, "Sirius can be a bit clueless sometimes, but I'm sure he didn't mean to upset you. James is talking to him now, and I'm here for you if you need anything."

Meanwhile, James continued his conversation with Sirius, emphasizing the importance of respecting privacy and personal boundaries. Sirius, realizing the impact of his actions, eventually conceded and promised to be more considerate in the future.

In the end, with James addressing the issue and Remus providing comfort, Lily felt reassured that her feelings were acknowledged and respected within their close-knit group of friends.

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