Chapter Two

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Jimin, and I walk the short distance from the bus stop to the school gate, the sight of the grey brick building steal any lingering fear in my body. Deep green vines climbed the sides of the almost castle like building. If it weren't for the other students around me pulling up in expensive cars and climbing out in blue and pink uniform I could have sworn we were in a fairytale.

" Disgusting isn't it?" Jimin's voice slaps me back into reality.

Jimin reaches over brushing the hair from my shoulder and straightening my collar. My skin pimples slightly at the brief touch of his finger.

"Dressing us in pink and blue, like they are sending newborns home from the hospital." He straightens his own jacket this time. "I don't know how many times I've told mom that it's the 21st century no need to divide us by gender."

I ruffle his pink hair.
"Hey don't touch the hair!" He pulls a compact out of his pocket and slicks back to pink locks.

"Your hairs a different color than the last time I saw you."

He smiles again. " If they don't let me wear the pink uniform I have to retaliate against the gender norms somehow." He winks at me. "Let's hurry we're going to miss orientation."

He grabs my hand and we rush through the gate, I try to ignore students who clearly recognize Jimin and stare at me in contempt as we rush through the courtyard.


Despite the antique looking exterior of the Prince college the inside has clearly recently been remodeled. It still looks like a place just an updated one with gorgeous porcelain tiles and large crystal chandeliers. All the furniture is white despite the risk the color poses.

"Our home room class is over here." Jimin leads me to a large double door with stained glass paneling. The sign above the door says "CLASS 1 A"

"Home room? How does that work."

"Has it really been so long since you were are a Prince school to know we are anything but normal?" He points down the hallway. " Each year has no more then 100 students, broken into four different rooms." I noticed the the 3 other class rooms alone the hallway l. " Education here is tailored to each student our core curriculum is all taught in home room, all other offered classes are tutors brought in that specialize in their area."

No wonder the prince system was so expensive after middle school the way this shit was set up felt almost like a cult.

In classroom 1A there is around twenty personal sized desks, and computers chairs that look almost like they belong to the queen of England. My stomach drops when I realize that most of the chairs are occupied and all the occupants as well as the teacher standing at the podium are staring at me.

"I expected better of you Mr. Park. And I'm sure your mother did as well."

Jimin doesn't lose the smile, "Sorry Professor Cars, the dean sent me to grab our transfer student."

Professor Cars face doesn't lose its disdain. "Let's not have it happen again." He gestures to the seats. Jimin still holding my hand leads me between the aisle. I keep my eyes on the back of jimins jacket desperate to not face the eyes watching me. I spot the two back seats Jimin is leading us two and hold my breath In anticipation when suddenly my foot snags on something causing me to tumble loudly to the floor. During the fall I lose Jimin's Hand but I look up to one waiting for me. I latch onto it before I can realize it's far lighter than Jimin's.

My eyes follow the pink clad arm to the blond ringlets and blue eyes. " I heard that poor Charlee Tate had to kill her father to scam her way back into Prince." My stomach clenches as I try to pull my hand out of Karly Bridge's. I stumble back falling back on my ass.

"Are you okay Charlee?" This time it is Jimin's hand I take and he leads me hurt and embarrassed to our desks.

"Now is that the last interruption? can we finally get back to class Mrs. Tate?" Professor Cars asks.
I nod my head as the room full of eyes finally turn from me. All except two blue ones I was hoping to never see again. Karly winks at me before finally turning to the front of the class leaving me in peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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