Episode 127

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Man: The nightmares are over
Man 2: You can't be serious! There's no way what happened was just nightmares!
Man: That is right! We saw the king attack Naohanq with our own eyes!
Man 3: That's right! Kozq-san was also shot by the Royal Army!
A/n They all got me mad during this time.
How do you explain the Royal Army's misconduct up until now?
Man 2: That's not good enough for those who fell in this rebellion!
All: That's right! They went to fight once more
Chaka: Drop your weapons, Royal Army.
R Man: Hey, what's going on?
Igaram: Ma-ma-ma... You to Rebel Army. They all look at him.
Man: Igaram-san. Squad Captain!
Vi: Igaram...
Ingram held a kid
Cahaka: Igaram-san
Vi ran down the staircase.
Igaram: Let us meet safely at our Motherland.
Luft: That the old man from Whiskey Peak
Nami: So he's alive.
Chopper: I'm, who's that?
Igaram: Hey, can you talk?
Man: That's the boy from Nanohana.
Man 2: That's right... He's the kid who was harmed by the Royal Army
Kid: It's not true... They weren't the ones who hurt me... Everyone, listen! I saw it! He told them. It was a fake person being the king
Koza: That's right... This battle was a plot from the beginning.
Igaram: I will explain everything...that happens to this country. Everyone drop your weapons
They did so.
Vivi was outside
Where's... everyone?
Sanji: Walk more steady
Usopp: Ahhj. Well, listen... I'm coming down with the "if inwak more, I'll die disease...
Zoro: Then stay there
Usopp: What? Well, wait whoa; hey! Hey. Why're you pulling me by my foot?
Zoro: Found her
Cobra was holding Stella.
Cobra: Who are you?
Sanji: Ahh... Thanks for carting Stella-sama on your back, She's one of ours m. I'll take her now.
Cobra: Then you're the pirates who brought Vivi back to this country?
Sanji: Who are you, old guy?
Vivi: Daddy! Everyone;
Chopper: Ah, it's Vivi
Sanji: Daddy? Vivi-cahn father?
Luffy: Are you the king?
Cobra: I prepared myself to die at one point, but she saved me...
Stella was now On Luffy's Back.
She didn't have a shirt on.
A/n What's happened?
When her body was exhausted after the fight with Coordile, she carried two people and rushed above ground, what unreliable strength...
Usopp: Then there's no more need to worry about the poison!
Cobra: Right. It should be neutralized by now. But her injuries need to be treated... Yours too...
Zoro: More important, Vivi, Go already. Go back to the square.
Usopp: Oh course! The rebellion has finally stopped. It wouldn't be proper if the king or princess didn't say a few words.
Vi: Yes... Then I'll tell them about you, too
Sanji: Vivi-chan. You know how it is... We're notorious. We have no intention if getting involved with this country
Luffy: I'm hungry
Nami: We're going on ahead to the palace. I'm exhausted.
Cobra and Vivi left.
They all feel down.
Luffy sat Stella down next to Zoro as his head was on his shoulder. And hers as well
Tashigi: Okay, understood, Captain, Smoker.
Man: Then Corodile san, was? This guy was the ringleader of everything.? Good's heavens I can't believe it..
Man 2: Hey look, at that it's the Navy!
Tashigi: We were told that a Baroque works-owned artificial rain-making Ship was discovered with dance powder on it. Sir Crocodile, president of the secret crime syndicate Baroques Works and one of the Eight warlords of the sea...
Stella L: Where did Crocodile go?
In the name of the Navy headquarters and agency directly under the world Government, I hereby strip you of your authorization to capture enemy ships, as well as the title and right bestowed upon you and the Government
The Ducks were all together in the rain.
All the People working for Crorodile were still on the ground but Mr 2.
Just wait and see.
Koza: We've done irreparable thing...
Vi: Leader... I don't know what to say to them.
Cobra: It's just natural to regret. That unbearable feeling is also natural.
Man: King. Your Majesty.
Cobra: We lost so much and gained nothing...  However, this is a step forward!  No matter who you fought against, the battle did occur and has now ended... No one can make the past go away.  Overcome this was and survive...!
Everyone looked at him
Alabasta Kingdom! The battle that will be engraved in history and...
Everyone was crying. The battle that will never be told... Have ended
The straw hat crew was still sleeping in the rain.
Woman: Smoker-kun! What's up with this rain? Don't tell me you used the Dance Powder.
Smoker: You idiot. I do know better than to commit a crime.  The Alabasta kind kept his hands off this powder. What's the point in my going against his morals now?
Woman: Oh, excuse me. I apologize. I can't believe the White Hunter of all men would say something sweet. I wonder if you've mellowed out a little
Smoker: That's none of your business
Woman:At any rate, you're really something using my elite just to look for a ship. Very upbeat... Hina upset
Smoker: We joined the Navy in the same year. Don't say that.
Hina: You always say that I pity Tashigi for the trouble you put her through.
Smoker: More importantly, take in this artificial rain-makin' ship.
Hina: Why
Smoker: And also, Tashigi will bring crocodile here. So take him, too.
Hina: Give me a break! What makes you think you can be so selfish?
Smoker flips a coin.
Hina: Heads!
Smoker: It's tails. You lose.
Hina: You're really selfish, you know that? You haven't changed a bit since we joined the Navy. I'm disappointed.
Smoker: that's fine. I'm well aware of it.
Tashigi: That's an order.
Man: Sergent Major! This is a very Rare opportunity!  They were in front of the Straw Hats. Once she come to we won't be able to...
Tashigi: I will not allow you to lay a hand on them right now!
Man: Why not? They're all sitting ducks right now! On top of that. She looks at them.
People were being carried out.
Vi: Leader... Are your injuries Okay? You're not going to die, are you? Um, Toto-ojisan was.  Yuba was...
Koaz' Vivi... Look like you're still the worrywart as always.... I don't know about Yuba, but my stubborn old man won't die, no matter what happens.
And I got his blood in my veins. As soon as I get treated I'll head to Yuba. I'll keep you updated so don't worry.
Vi: Okay
People were happy.
Toto was happy.
Chaka: The rain is no longer for wed and falls endlessly within the kingdom.
It was nighttime.
Everyone was sleeping. But Vivi
The door opened
Igaram: Vivi-sama.. You're still up?
Vivi: Igaram... He walked him
Can't sleep?
It's not that. I just don't want to. I just wanna keep watching the rain.
About pell. Ha is the most dignified and strongest among the warriors I know.
I wanted to say " thank you to him...
He'd be greatly honored by that...
He left
The bathroom door opened and Stella came out
Vi: Hello. Stella-sama. Is everything okay
Stella walks to her.
Are you okay?
Stella: I just wanted to say I'm sorry for his I acted toward you
Vi: What do you mean?
Stella: I'm being honest. I didn't want to help you at all.
Vivi: Oh.
Stella: When you Tretaten to kill Luffy stuck with me.
Vivi: Then I should be the one to apologize to you. I was trying to do what was best for my country
Stella: I know.
Vivi: I didn't mean any of it.
Stella: I just want throw a lot in my past. I have four brothers. And I've only spent time with two for half my life with each finding Ace. Was a dream I'm true. And when he asked me to join his crew I felt happy and sad at the time.
Vivi: It was a hard choice to make.
Stella: Yeah. But I chose to stay with my crew because I know I'll see him again and we'll live a happy life together when my whole crew achieves their goals.
Vivi: I understand.
Stella: I'll go to bed. Goodnight. Vivi
Vivi: Good night. Stella-sama.
It was morning time.
Man: Captain Smoker. Miss Hina! Sergeant Major Tashigi has arrived.
All: Welcome back.
Hina: It's been a while, Tashigi.
She was walking to her
Tashigi: Hina-sna... Hello. I'm... A little tired so I'll get some rest... She continues to walk. Captain Smoker, I've Just returned!
Smoker: Yeah, thanks for your work. I heard about what happened with the straw Hats.
Tashigi: I'm sorry... I helped the pirates and let out opportunity to capture them slip away. I know that my actions were shameful as a Marine.
Smoker: why do you apologize? Didn't you follow your justice? 
Tashigi: No.. that's not it...
Man: Sergeant Major...
Tashigi: I just... didn't have any other choice.
Corodile: Losers can't speak about justice were in that kind of sea.
Stella: Where did Crocodile go?
Tell me
Even when I knew where the enemy was all I could do was tell her where... Even when I knew the time of attack, all I could do was assist them... There was no justice that I could follow.
Smoker: Those who you thought you were on par with until recently are becoming more notorious and racing rapidly. She walked up the stairs.
They know that in this sea they'll die of hey don't rise up. Go forward or die? Who decided to come to this sea?
Tashigi: Excuse me...but I'll go to rest a bit. She walks on the boat.
Smoker: You idiot... If you're frustrated enough to cry, become stronger! She was crying. I will!
Smoker: I wish you guys had guts like that too... Now bring them to the ship!
All: Yes sir
A/n He has a message from the headquarters he was getting rewarded for what the Straw Hat crew did and he didn't want to take it so he told them to go to hell.

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