(Part 1!) Chapter 1: His thoughts. (Lucas)

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     I never thought I would have to say those words. I guess I was fucking wrong. And of course, I had to find out from Alex, not from her. She's such a bitch for not telling me. I would of fucking understand! I heard a knock from my door. Oh god, who the fuck could it be?

     "You can come in." I yelled out. Damian, my older brother, walked in. What could he want.

     "What's going on." He asked. H-how does he know?

     "Oh well, I was on call with Alex and then this bitch told me that Alisha wanted to break up with me and I just went full on mad and texted that bitch what she deserves to hear."

     "Ah. You want something to clear your mind?"

     "Like what?"


     I sighed. Are you kidding me right now, Damian? I have no fucking clue how he has some knowing that he is fucking 16.

     "No, I don't want drugs but yes I do need to clear my mind." I responded. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I swear he's such a dumb-ass sometimes. I walked up to my door and shut it. I heard a notification from my phone. Probably Alex. I looked at the message.

Alex: Hey, sorry about what happened.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah whatever..

Alex: I would just like to say, I'm on no ones side.

Lucas: Alex we both know you like Alisha

Alex: Bro no I don't, plus why would I date your ex right after you two broke up

Lucas: Dude, calm down it was just a joke

Alex: Yeah whatever, I knew that

Lucas: Suree you did.

     I put my phone down and decided to do something else. The thing is, I didn't know what to do. I'll be honest, it feels weird not having someone randomly texting you. Then that's the moment I realized. Holy shit I'm so stupid. SHE WAS FUCKING MAKING UP LIES AND EXCUSES TO NOT CALL ME! AND WHEN WE DID CALL SHE MADE EXCUSES TO LEAVE THE CALL! Bro I'm so dumb for not realizing that.

Words: 344

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