33~ A Secret Messanger

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Author's POV

"Slow down Arsh we will get into an accident," She carefully pleaded but it looked like he was deaf ears to her pleas.

He just kept increasing the speed that she had to hold her seat tightly praying in her heart to reach safely home and see their kids.

She rested her head on the seat and again her attention diverted to the conversation she had with him in the afternoon.

The question was still eating her alive why would her Aabha Di do something like that?

She knew her from the time she was just a toddler, there would be a truly major reason if she did that.

She decided she would visit her tomorrow itself and clear out everything, she was thankful to Ardhansh for not taking any action though it was shocking for her.

She jerked upward and opened her eyes to see a parking lot's board.

"Arsh where are–

Her words died in her throat after seeing the Gun he took out of his waistband and angrily stepped down from the Car.

Her breath hitched in her throat and the night from five years ago came rushing into her memory.

She wasn't ready to witness the blood bath once again.

"Ardhansh!!" She shouted and stepped out of the car, before running behind him but her high heels didn't help her.

She noticed the building it was one of the Kapoor Hotel and her heart thumped in anixiety.

She ran fastly and when she reached the lobby the scene in front of her eyes trembled her to the core.

Her brother was pinned to the wall and his gun was in her brother's mouth.

The whole hotel was looking empty and only the workers and his friend Yagya Kapoor were standing there.

"Bloody Fucker How Dare you to even utter her name through this dirty mouth of yours," He yelled at the top of his lungs but it didn't affect Kaustubh, not a bit.

"Ardhansh it's a personal matter– He showed his finger and Yagya shut down his mouth.

Yana came out of her frozen state and said in a shaky voice,


"KEEP QUITE," He roared and she gulped her words.

"Believe it or not Singhaniya it's Truth," Kaustubh said with a smile and a hard punch landed on his jaw.

"Fucking Shut up!!!" Ardhansh shouted and punched him hard once again.

Yana gasped and moved forward before standing in between them, Ardhansh lifted his hand to punch him once again but it stopped midway after seeing her and he shouted.

"Move Aside Jaan."

She shook her head and he frustratedly moved back before moving his fingers through his hair.

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