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Author Pov:

Violet : Aish. Ok listen then. The reason why I never dated because I had to find my brother and don't forget I'm a CEO too. Of course I have things to do. And above of all, my heart is already lost to you, how could I date someone that is not you?

Violet said staring deeply in his dark brown eyes. Jimin cleared his throat and looked away from her eyes and fixed his gaze on the scene in front of them.

Jimin : Ahm..... I'm still amazed by the fact that you have liked me for 5 years and- and I didn't know about it.

Violet : Actually, I wasn't really planning on confessing now too. It's just we met that day 'coincidently' and after knowing you personally, I decided to tell you about my feelings. You are a good person. I don't have many people in my life but the ones I do, I trust them.

Violet turned towards Jimin and looked into his dark brown eyes.

Violet : I know it's still soon but for you, not for me. I like you Jimin. I have liked you for a long time, the time when you probably didn't even know I existed. I was first attracted towards you, I know it's crazy but I followed you everywhere, your company, your apartment, the gym you go to every morning, the cafe you go to for your favourite coffee whenever you've had tiring day, the park you go to when you have free time in the evening -near the cafe. I know about all of this. The place where we had lunch a few minutes ago -your favourite cafe and the place we are standing right now, I know about this too. Whenever you came here with your members or especially alone, I always wished to come here with you. And when you were taking me here today, I was shocked because I know how precious this place is to you, but I was also happy, happy because you took me to a place that is close to your heart.

Violet finished with a smile. And if we say Jimin was shocked after hearing all of this, that would be an under statement. His eyes were doubled in size and his face was like he had seen a ghost. 

He opened his mouth to say something but again shut it. He didn't know what to say. He was taken back by her sudden confession. He was confused like how she know everything about him? So he asked.

Jimin : Y-you know a lot about me. H-how?

Violet : Umm maybe I searched about you... a lot? 

She said with a sheepish smile and suddenly her expressions changed to serious one.

Violet : Jimin, I have something to tell you. It's about me, myself. It is very important part of my life but it's a secret. I-I wanted to tell you for a long time but couldn't. I don't know i-

Jimin : Relax ok? If you can't tell me now then it's ok. I can wait hmm?

Violet stared at him for a long moment and smiled a little before saying.

Violet : But I think this is the right moment. I'm just afraid of your reaction. It's not a normal thing and you will probably regret your time with me once you fint out. I-

Jimin put his finger on her lips and said.

Jimin : Shh. If you don't say it, you will never know. And it can't be that bad, if it's about you. Now don't think too much and tell me hmm?.

Violet nodded and he removed his finger from her lips. She looked down and said.

Violet : I-It's about my identity. I'm not just a CEO that the whole world knows. I'm not just a ordinary woman with a normal life. My life is way more different than yours. I know dark part of this world. Many terrible secrets of this horrible world.

She looked into his eyes and smiled sadly.

Violet : Not everyone is angel, Jimin. Angel like you. This world is full of devils with faces of angels. They can use you for their own benefits and you would never know. They can use your weaknesses as a weapon against you. I know people like them. In fact, I deal with them on daily basis. And if to deal with them, you have to be horrible than them. And sometimes dealing can be killing too.... I honestly don't know what you'll think about me after this but I can't hide it forever now can I? That would be cheating and I'm not someone to cheat.

Violet took a deep breath and continued.

Violet : I am a Mafia, Jimin. And not just an ordinary one but current Mafia Queen. Mr Kim, Gabriel Morano is former Mafia King and I am Kim Violet, Violet Morano, current Mafia Queen.... My real identity is still a secret even in criminal world, only a few big mobsters know about me and they considers me as their Queen. Aside from my hidden identity, I'm still the most feared Mafia Queen of all time. 

Violet looked at Jimin's face and tried to read it and his expressions were relaxed? He didn't seem scared or surprised. Yes, he definitely wasn't afraid of her because he was freaking smiling? What in the lachimolala was that?

Seeing Violet's confused expressions, he finally said.

Jimin : Thank god! Took you long enough no? I thought I would have to wait until I got wrinkles on my beautiful face.

If 'what the fuck' was a face, that would be Violet's right now.

Violet : You knew?



               Quote Time:

If you pay attention you'll notice mostly people don't listen,

          They just wait for their turn to talk.

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