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"They killed my parents and tortured me for weeks," Yunho said.

"And now I'm going to kill them."


June 17, 2023

Shocked, Mingi looked in Yunho's direction. The sheet of paper showed a contract between Yunho's parents and people Mingi didn't know. "What are you talking about?" Mingi stuttered, hoping he had misheard.

Yunho's gaze darkened.
"You're right, that's why I came here. I've been looking for these guys for a long time, until I found out that they had a deal with my parents and their information is somewhere in these papers. Why do you think I became a policeman?"

Mingi shook his head, overwhelmed, as he no longer understood anything. Yunho crumpled up the paper and threw it on the floor. "It doesn't matter, you don't have to understand," he said, but Mingi confronted him immediately.
"It does matter, you brought me here, so explain it to me," he demanded and looked at him seriously. He was tired of having to guess what was going on. Yunho cleared his throat. Mingi could see that he didn't want to talk about it, but he still wanted to know the truth.

"My parents had a contract with them." Yunho pointed at the crumpled sheet of paper. "I don't know what kind of contract it was, but they owed these people a lot of money. My parents wanted to run away, but these guys were smarter and my parents crashed with the plane because of them. They kidnapped me and tortured me for weeks. If Hongjoong and the others hadn't saved me, they would have killed me too."
There was so much pain in Yunho's voice that it choked Mingi's throat.

"Do you understand now why I decided to join the mafia and why I joined the police? I want revenge and these guys are going to get it."

Mingi swallowed. "Who are these people?" Mingi wanted to know.
"I don't know, I've hardly been able to find out anything about them over the last year. I searched through everything my parents had, but found nothing. Then a few days ago, I found an old photo of our beach house again and got the idea that they might be hiding something here."

Mingi nodded thoughtfully. He was beginning to understand everything. "Why did you take me with you?" Yunho sighed. "Hongjoong is unpredictable, should I have left you with him?" Mingi bit his lower lip. "What's this between you and Hongjoong and the others? You said they saved you, but why are you all acting like this and even threatening to kill each other?"

Yunho let out a stifled laugh. "You don't know anything about the mafia, do you?" Mingi smiled sarcastically. "Well of course I don't," he muttered.

"If you're in the mafia, you can't have feelings. Not to anyone. And as important as we are to each other, we can't show it in important situations. If it's really important, each of us would kill the other." Mingi shook his head. "That's bullshit. Yeosang, for example, is different." Yunho walked past Mingi, upset. "Don't talk like you know him. Yeosang is broken just like the rest of us and he'd be willing to die or kill someone else anytime."

Mingi turned to Yunho, who was now standing at the doorway. "And how would you know that if he's never killed anyone?" Yunho raised an eyebrow. "What?" he said with amusement. Mingi's expression became more confused again.

"Yeosang has killed the most people of all of us. That's why Hongjoong has forbidden him to come on our missions, so that he stays at home and doesn't hurt anyone." Mingi's mind suddenly went blank. He couldn't believe Yunho's words. That wasn't true, was it?

Yunho saw Mingi's shocked expression and had to smile. "Mingi, you should never trust anyone from the mafia." Mingi's eyes suddenly widened. "That's not true, is it?" Yunho nodded at him in confirmation. "Fuck." Mingi groaned and ran his fingers through his long hair in stress. Yunho tilted his head. "Why?" he asked. Mingi looked up, pale as a sheet. "In my letter, I told Yeosang the numbers and addresses of my friends so that he can tell them I'm okay."

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