Bonus Chapter

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Bonus chapter Romare's story

I went on a bender last night with some friends after work. We went to a strip club, I took a stripper in the bathroom and snorted lines of coke with her. I did a line on her bare tits, then across her back.

I headed back out and threw ones at some more. I was absolutely plastered by the time I left. My buddies said lets go to this guys house, some rich guy throwing a huge party.

We entered the driveway, the house was a monstrosity. The floors were white marble and a golden staircase. I walked seeing women run walking around naked. People fucking in the middle of the floor. Doing body shots, lines off coke.

I walk through the house, people playing games, a guy punched another dude in the face hard. I laughed and shake my head finding a room with a bar.

I take a bunch of shots and then a guy hands me these pills telling me they're fun. I take them down with some tequila, i took some vodka shots. I dance around some girls dressed in playboy bunny costumes.

I walk away with the little blonde where she takes me into a room. She starts grabbing on me and start making out, i grab her ass and squeeze it good.

Somone busts in saying “FUCKING PIZZA BRO!!” And runs off, i push the girl off to go get pizza. All of a sudden guns shot go off, my heart drops and i run. I see blood pooling on the floor, guts on the floor and brains on the wall.

I run but slip in the blood loosing traction. I get back up and keep running, i open the door and enter dark creepy woods.

I hear weird gurgling, i creep around the trees to see a house sitting there. I go inside and look the door. I look around too see there's everything i need. I guess I'll stay here until i sobber up. I lay down on a red couch, and fall asleep

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