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One day I wanted to go to the farm with my first cousin (Aubrie). She wanted to go and play with her horse. So we did, that was when I relized that wanted a horse. Her horse was so beautiful. When the gelding came running down the flowery hill with his mane flowing everywhere and his tail going back and forth. That was the best feeling I have ever had.

So that night I went to ask my dad if I could get a horse. He said "NO! You have to prove to me that you really want a horse." So then I started riding horses with my aunt and Aubrie. At first I really didn't know what to do but i just looked at Aubrie and Jennie and then I just kind of repeated them. You just kind of get use to it.

I was riding a black mare with beautiful eyes. She was amazing. When we galloped her tail was

hitting my legs. It was the best thing ever.

The next day was the "FUN DAY". It's this thing that the Jackson county rodeo council put s on every year. Jennie asked me if I would like to go with them. I said "Yes". My Mom and Dad came to I was riding the same horse.

Then their was this game called tire capture. It where one person is on the horse and galups out to get the other person that is In a wheel hanging from a tractor. So my friend Eliza wanted me to do it with her and I did. So she came out got me and the horse bucked coming on the way back, and I fell off. But I got right back up and got right on the horse again. Then that's when my dad knew that I had the passion for horses.

So the next week he said that we could start looking for a horse for me to buy. At first we didn't know where we were going to put bit but then Aubries grandpa said that I could keep her out at his farm. I was so happy when he said that I could keep my horse out their. We looked and looked and looked at horses off of crags list but we couldn't find one. Then we found one. We drove up there. We had to go all the way up to Strawberry Point. I was so excited the whole ride there. We got their. The girl brought the horse out. My dad said " We'll you better ride her." I got on. My heart was pounding really fast. I put my foot in the stirrup and then started walking. She was the best, I couldn't believe it I had found the one. The girl said her name was "REBA!" I LOVED the name. I had to call everyone so I called my aunt and she started crying she was so happy for me. Then she made me cry. IT WAS THE BEST THING THAT HAD EVER HAPPENED TO ME!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2013 ⏰

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