getting ready to leave

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(For the whole chapter you, Leah, Nick, Leah's partner)

You just finished packing and it was now 11am. You still had one hour left to get to the spot where everyone that visits the camp meets, to drive with the bus all together.

You once again checked if you got everything you need and were very sure you have everything with you.
You took a backpack and put some snacks, food, something to drink, other things you might need and a little money in it.

It was 11:15 am when you checked the time and you now had to say goodbye to your parents.
They were very anxious about you leaving for three weeks but we're also very proud and happy to see that you've grown up so much.

You left the house and walked down the street to where Leah lives. You call her to tell her you'll be there in a few minutes and she tells you to wait outside for her and her Mom.

Just when you arrived a few seconds later, you could see Leah struggling to pull her suitcase over the grass. Eventually she made it to the concrete and didn't have as much problems with it anymore.
You put your things in the trunk of Leah's mom's car and both sat down In the back.

Leah's Mom got in the car too and drove you guys to a parking lot where you should already see a lot of people standing next to a big bus. It was exactly 12pm when you arrived.

Leah waved her Mom goodbye and you both took your things and went to the other kids.

Luckily you two weren't the only ones with suitcases, infact almost everyone had a suitcase with them.
You were already really excited and couldn't wait to finally sit in the bus with Leah to eat snacks, gossip, watch movies and all the other things you can do on a long trip in a bus.

Leah and you were chatting a little when you could hear a guy talking.

"Alright everyone, my name's Nick and I will be with you the whole three weeks. We have a very packed program but of course lots of free time to spend with your friends. I'm obviously not going to handle that many teenies alone so please say hi to my coworker Natalie"

A young woman with short blonde hair and green eyes came up to the front and waved to everyone. She stood next to Nick who had brown short hair, brown eyes a pair of glasses and he wasn't very tall but young.

He continued "I can see that you guys are all very excited and we are too. Before all the fun starts we will have to go on a pretty long roadtrip in this bus though. We will drive for about 9 hours. We will stop every hour for you to go to the toilet an der will have two breaks to properly eat. Drinking and eating IS allowed in the bus but the toilet inside is locked. Before we get in the bus we will make sure everyone has a partner to sit with. BUT you won't know this person. This camp is to make new friends and we will start right at the beginning to give a few shy people a chance too. So everyone please make one line right infront of me, please"

You and Leah looked at each other disappointed but then you got a great idea

"Yo Leah, maybe we will sit next to some cute guys and also I can sit behind you"

"Omg yes that's awesome I almost forgot"

You guys got in line and patiently waited for nick to say anything. While you waited and everyone else got in line you spotted someone...

"y/n, you're staring, what is so interesting over there"

"Huh, I was staring? Shit"

"Tell me what is it"

"I think I'm crushing on someone already, look this guy over there he's so cute"

You pointed at someone and waited for Leah's reaction, she was about to answer when she got interrupted by Nick.

"Alright guys, now that everyone is in line you will one by one pick a sheet of paper out of this bag. You will find a number on your paper and whoever has the same number will be your seat mate and also your partner for future tasks in the camp. If you and your partner don't get along at all we can of course make some adjustments AFTER the road trip"

You could see the people infront of you pick a sheet of paper one by one and it was finally your turn.
You picked a paper, opened it and saw the number 8 on it. After everyone got a number nick announced that we now have 5 minutes to find our partner. If you find them you can go sit in the bus.

After the announcement I quickly ran to Leah to see if she got an 8 too but sadly she didn't. She had a 16.
I walked around to find my partner when I saw a guy saying he got a 16. I quickly ran up to him and told him that my friend has a 16 too. I pointed at Leah and the guy went straight to her and I could see them starting a conversation.

-a few minutes later-

A lot of people already found their partner but I haven't so I went to Leah and her partner to ask them for help. Leah's partner asked me what number I got and I showed him the paper that said 8. He looked at me with excitement and started speaking.

"My friend has the 8!"

"Really!?!? Your joking right? Who is it?"

"Let me get him for you, I'll brb"

About two minutes later I could see Leah's partner walk back with his friend and when I saw who my partner was my jaw dropped.

It was the cute guy from earlier. I looked at Leah and she looked just as stunned as I am.

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