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Serine said first we will react to his idenity in this life

Everyone looked at the screen an image began to shown everyone were amazed

Everyone was shocked and amazed by his beauty

Everyone was shocked and amazed by his beauty

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Name-Cale hentiuse
Age -21

Martial status - single

Supreme commander of military

Titles -silver shield, child loved by gods ,child sent by gods (I don't remember how many titles were and sorry )

Eldest son of count family
Parents- Father De Ruth henituse and deceased mother jour thames

Family members - deruth father, violence stepmom, lily stepsister ,basne stepbrother

Personality - cale is kind to them he love and he became merciless and menic when someone hurt his family

Everyone was shocked how can he achieved this much when they take his power and divinity

Nephthy was happy and hope he will be happy in this life

Horus and anubis were amazed and proud

Osiris -was a angry and think how can you be without me

Serine said now you will react to some peacefully moment of his life

They look at the screen

They see a very  luxuries  room ( only some gods have this type of luxuries)
there was a men with red hair lying on the bed

Red hair hear knocks on The door and someone ask May I come in young master he know who is behind the door and said come in ron as he sat up

a old age age man come in the room "ron said good morning young master  and ask should I prepare bath for you young master?  Or would you prefer eat first  ?
Cale said I prefer bath said  lazily as he glance at the beside the bed he see two cats and a dragon sleeping peacefully a smile formed his face 

Everyone was shocked and asked what is that creature beside him ?

Serine said beside him is a dragon and his name is roan miru and silver cat is on and red cat name is hong they are from cat tribe who has human form
And cale is their guardian

Everyone is shocked some gods were worried about Them (roan ,on ,hong)

Anubis was sad
Nephthy was happy

Everyone looked at the screen again



Hello guys how are you ?
This is my first time writeing a reaction story so I don't know is it good or bad ? If you have advice then can you give me?

Bye Bye love you 🤗🤗

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