(💔☁️) doctor

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"Fell? It's 2 in the morning, is everything okay?"
"No, uh, sweetheart.. I need you to come get me."
"I'll tell you when you get here, I just got in a little fight. I need you to come get me."
"Okay, I'll be there soon. I love you."
"I love you too."

Sci's POV:
I'm scared. What if fell is dying? What if I don't get there fast enough? I walk down the dark streets, trying to get to the location pinged on my phone faster than possible. I wish I could teleport there, but something tells me I'll need to save my magic so I can heal him.

When I finally get to fell, he's sitting against the wall of an alley, just out of sight. He's bleeding, his coat covered in dark stains and heavy. I take it off of him, his eyelights switching from one red to two whites as he sees me.
"Shh, fell," I shush him, "you're gonna be fine." He chuckles, then winces and coughs. Once the soaked coat is off, fell can stand, and I support him as he stumbles out of the alley.

We get home and I help him to the bathroom, sitting him in the tub and taking his clothes off as he attempts to make himself comfortable. His ribs and arms are cracked and scratched, old scars covered by new blood.
"Cold," he whines.
"I'll run you warm water soon, dear," I reply, more focused on healing what I can for now to keep him stable. Once he's healed to the best of my abilities, I turn the water on, get some unscented soap, and start to gently scrub away the blood.

Fell's body relaxes as the warm water washes over him. He keeps his eyelights on me, though, watching as I clean him up. The water is red-tinted, but it isn't too concerning. Not yet.

Once he's cleaned, I drain the tub and dry fell off, wrapping bandages around his now fragile bones. I help him get into his favorite pajamas and we go to our bedroom, where he lays down and tries to get comfortable.
"You'll be sore in the morning," I tell him. He kisses me as I lay next to him.
"I don't mind, sweetheart," he replies, "I have you." I blush and wrap fell in blankets.
"Go to bed, you'll heal faster," I tell him.
"Whatever you say, doc," he replies, laughing. He's asleep within 5 minutes and I worry again. What if he's not gonna wake up? But staring at him in the dark, I feel better. He looks peaceful. It's adorable. He'll be okay as long as I'm here for him. And I always will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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