Chapter 5 : My Drill is the Drill that will Pierce the Heavens Part V

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Syzygy here

Forget about the Intro

Let's proceed to the story



As Najimi disappeared for a good hour now the guests now were familiar with each other but not to the point where they know what happens in their own world. Musashi ( FGO ) went to Misa and asked her something that would gather the interest of other peoples

Musashi(FGO): Misa - san, can I ask how powerful Najimi - san is?

Misa :  Hmm...

Musashi(FGO) : I am curious, you were the only one who was capable of sealing her, so any info you can give to us?

Everyone : ....

Misa: It is true that I've sealed her, but that was only because I caught her offguard and she didn't retaliate and was a bit weaker than the Anshin'in-san we have here

March 7th: Wait, are you saying that Najimi-san's alternate self is different from this Najimi-san

Misa: Frustrating as it is, yes this one has special circumstances 

Yangqing(HSR): Misa-san, hypothetically if I were to challenge her would I stand a chance?

Misa: Your chances are non-existent from the moment she lays her eyes on you

Jing Yuan: How so?

Misa: Its complicated but in a nutshell, this Anshin'in-san is a being that cannot be beaten, only by Syzygy and someone similar to him. And to make things worst Anshin'in-san has a lot of skills that one cannot keep track of. For example, like myself or rather she gave me one of the skills that allowed me to become strong which is All-Fiction

Ei: Dare I ask, What is all-fiction

Misa: All-Fiction is a skill that allows me to deny aspects of reality, to make anything into "nothing". 

Otto: You can deny reality!?

Misa: Quite easily

Gilgamesh(Archer): No wonder, you emit a dangerous aura far greater than anyone here

Summer: Can you experience death?

Misa: I can experience it only for a bit and I can reverse my own death, and the death of others if I want too

Everyone: !

Otto: 'I want to acquire this power for her...'

Kallen: How many skills does Najimi-san have?

Misa: If I remember correctly it is around...

Pyrrha: How many is it...

Cardin: It can't be that many!

Misa: 12,858,051,967,633,865 skills, Not just that she mastered each and every one of her skills...

Everyone: What the hell!

Cecilia: ...I was expecting around hundreds but this is way too much

Nagato: How is she able to control each and every one of them?

Kal'tsit: Is she still sane?

Misa: Nobody knows and yes she is still sane..

Da Vinci(Caster): Can you show us how your skill works?

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