34~Smitten By Her

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The story would get started from the time when Ardhansh was framed for the death of those 200 soldiers explanation is given in the second last chapter of Ashes.

Don't get confused It's past explaining what happened after he got framed.

The story of Adhisha.

Author's POV
[15 Years Ago]

It was heavily raining outside and her eyes stared out of the window taking a good view of it, her teeth continuously biting her plumpy lips.

"Adhi what the hell are you seeing outside? focus on the lecture," Maya pinched her thigh and she immediately turned her attention towards the professor but a last bell rang at the same time and a wide smile came on her lips.

"See!!" She chirped making everyone look at her and without caring about anyone or the lecturer ran out of the classroom.

"Sorry Sir," Maya apologized on her behalf and ran behind her to see her running towards the School Bus even after having the umbrella she let herself drenched in the rain.

Maya sighed knowing her sister's weird obsession with rain and followed her before pulling her twin forcefully inside the bus.

"Why you Did do this Mamu? You always do this?"

"You will catch a cold," Maya replied but Adhisha didn't stop there and yelled at her.

"I will complain to Bhai once he is back home."

Maya rolled her eyes and wore her headphones being deaf ears to her continuous yells so were the other students getting habitual to both sisters' daily drama.

Maya and Adhisha were non-identical twins and never went well with each other, having the richest family in the country still down to earth, not bitchy or extra show-off girls with bad manners.

They had good manners and even talked politely with others with no extra butter cheese, Adhisha was younger and extra cheerful while Maya was silent with a studyholic nature.

Adisha pouted her lips and stared out of the window looking at the pouring rain on the busy highway of Mumbai.

The bus stopped because of heavy traffic and Adhisha glanced at her sister who was closing her eyes.

An evil idea crossed her mind knowing Mumbai's traffic very well and she sneaked out of the Bus.

The cold rain touched her body as she twirled around, soft giggles left her mouth as she spread her arms.

The water ran down her body drenching her white shirt and skirt.

The thin fabric of that white shirt failed to hide her inner, highlighting her moulds perfectly to onlookers' eyes but she was less worried about them.

She always loved getting drenched in rain and this wasn't new for her.

She heard the yelling sound of people but went deaf ears to it and enjoyed the rain unaware of the storm waiting for her.

Just 200 metres away from her he stood there in the rain his formal white shirt clinging to his muscles, showing the hard work he would have put in the gym.

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