Bad Boy Meets a Tree Frog

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A boy with black hair sits in a chair in the principal's office, looking away with a frown on his face. The boy wears the school's uniform, it has a multicolored crest with the letters "SJMS" on it, black collar popping out of the shirt, dark brown iron-toed shoes with gray laces and white socks that go up to his knees. He completes the look with dark brown shorts with light grey rolls, a light grey belt that has a golden buckle and a single golden bracelet on his left wrist. He's pretty pale too.

The principal looks down at the paper she was reading, "Graffiti on school grounds, riding a skateboard in the hallway, cutting class, not handing in assignments given to you. Does all of that sound familiar?"

Hershel smiles, shrugging, "Yeah I guess so. What's my punishment, Miss Murphy?" He doesn't seem to care all too much about getting in trouble, seeing as he's been in this room numerous times before.

Ms. Murphy massages her eyebrows, "Hershel, you have been here way too much. Do you know how many times I've called your mother about these incidents? Your father too."

Hershel rolls his eyes when she mentioned his dad. He let her continue and she did, "Now I'm afraid I've given you so many chances that I may have to expel you from this school, young man."

This new information took Hershel out of his calm demeanor, "Wait what? You can't do that, my mom had to do a lot to get me in here. Money from dad too."

The principal sighed, "I know your family situation is tough on you and you're a growing boy so I am willing to give just one more chance. Do you understand, Mr. Hughes-Thorburn?"

Hershel nods, looking away, "Just Hughes is fine and... Yes, I do. I promise. Bad Boy Hershel will be a saint from now on."

The principal picked up some of her other papers, "That is good to hear. I am looking forward to see how much you'll change, maybe you'll find something you'll like when you're not spray-painting walls. Just remember, you are on your last chance, so don't disappoint me, Mr. Hughes."

Hershel nods, walking out of her office without a word and into the hallway. There wasn't many kids there due to the fact that it was now after school hours, as he had been caught spray painting the gymnasium wall. With the exception of one girl in a hoodie and a green skirt, black hair and with a green hair clip; Marcy Wu. She was at her locker, packing her things to go to the local library to study for a big test coming up. She raised her hand like she wanted to invite Hershel with her but he had walked past her too fast to get his attention. So she simply zipped up her backpack and walked towards the library. Where she will find some information about a particular box.

The boy hops on his skateboard and arrives at the park, he then looks at the beeper in his pocket. He sees a message from his mother reading 'I assume you will be home later. Have fun. I love you.' Hershel then gives her a response reading 'I will be back later. I love you too.' before shoving the device back into his pocket.

He sets his skateboard down and sits under a tree at the park, it's growing darker and darker. He takes his sketch book from his backpack and starts to draw, drawing a rather detailed looking skull with fire around it. He was so focused on his sketch that he hasn't noticed the trio of girls who were sitting at the bench with a mysterious box in their hands. All looking down at it. Marcy was included in this group. Hershel continues to draw, unaware of the shaggy haired girl opening the box, causing a bright light to erupt from the box. Hershel covers his eyes, trying to see through the light as it engulfs him in it's blaze.

"Woah woah woah! Hey!"

A flash of gold light shined through the forest, it then turned into a human-like shape. When the light disappeared, Hershel the dark-haired human took it's place. He had face-planted onto the ground and was slowly getting up, "Ow... What the?" Now on his feet, he stands in amazement of the setting that is now before him. His eyes had a sparkle in them that wasn't there before, "Woah... What is this place?" The large green trees, the shrubbery, the floating butterflies on the beautiful blue flowers...

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