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"Hey sweetie, how was school?" David asks from the kitchen as Hannah walks through the door.

"It was fine. How was work?" Hannah asks dropping her book bag on the floor walking over to the kitchen.

"It was okay, boring like always." David chuckles. Hannah goes into the fridge and grabs a water bottle.

"Sorry i couldn't pick you up from practice. I just got here two minutes ago." he apologize.

"Its cool dad. i don't mind walking." Hannah smiles at her dad.

"So when the next game?" David asks.

"Its next Wednesday." Hannah says.

"Great i can't wait to finally cheer you on. Work has just been a hassle lately, I'm really sorry i haven't been to any of your games, honey." David says sending a sad smile.

"Dad its fine really. I get it." Hannah says calmly. David stares at his daughter for a second.

"Is something bothering you?" David asks, Hannah seems visually tenser than usual.

"No. Im just stressed out thats all." Hannah responded. David stared at her.

"Ok then. Well you better get up to your room and start up your homework." David said gesturing up to her room.

"Cool." Hannah say walking over to her book bag. "Hey dad."

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Is it ok if today and tomorrow i stay over at Tyler's?" Hannah asks swinging her book bag over her shoulder.

"Sure kiddo. Tell Tyler i said hey." He says with a smile.

"Will do dad." Hannah says smiling walking up to her room to pack clothes.


Hannah had been at Tyler's for over two hours when Tyler wanted them to go over Sarah's for a while. What Hannah didn't know was Grace and Mamrie were over at Sarah's. And Grace didn't know Hannah and Tyler were coming. Tyler texted Sarah when they were a block away.

"Tyler its 10 o'clock and I'm tired did we really have to come to Sarah's today?" Hannah whines.

"Yes we did now come on" Tyler says grabbing Hannah and pulling her to the house. "Now you can't make any sound when we are in there ok." Tyler whispers.

"Why?" Hannah whispers back.

"Just don't make any noise or speak for that matter." Tyler says. Hannah looked confused but went with it. Sarah opened the door and the three quietly walked to her room. Tyler and Sarah were walking a head of Hannah up the stair whispering things back and forth, that Hannah couldn't really hear. Sarah open the door and Tyler came in and Grace and Mamrie both greeted Tyler. Hannah on the other hand, once she heard the two girls in the room she got a bit angry.

"You got to be fucking with me right now." Hannah say to Tyler mostly, catching the attention of the four.

"Han look-"Tyler starts.

"No. Seriously Tyler this is why you were acting all sneaky."

"It wasn't just me that set this up." Tyler says.

"So Sarah and Mamrie were apart of this too then." Hannah says looking at the two girls both nodding their heads.

"What the fuck?!" Hannah says.

"Why are you flipping out so much?" Tyler asks.

"Because i know what your doing Tyler. And i told you i was going to talk at some point and you obviously didn't believe me." Hannah says her voice getting a bit louder.

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